Young Master Jun’s 100 Techniques to Spoil His Wife

Chapter 1198: I can't hide my identity

Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Jun Mohan listened to all the words of the Gossip.

Because there are so many things to see, Jun Mohan doesn't feel that he is lying.

He didn't need to lie, let alone trust him so much.

Maybe cat is really that iconic pet.

While waiting for the cat to find the location of Feng Sujin, Jun Mohan quickly asked Fei Qingli to file.

Hei Lingli took Jun Mohan to the palace where he lived, and quickly took out important files.

Jun Mohan quickly took it and browsed quickly.

Fei Qingli looked at the man in front of him almost at a glance, and was a bit shocked. The word on it was a special typeface of the Blue Snake Kingdom. Only the heirs of each generation of the Blue Snake Kingdom could understand it. got it.

But when he thought of his identity in the dossier, he was not surprised.

He was worried about Feng Sujin now, and really worried that she would disappear like other women.

He sacrificed because of him, he couldn't accept it at all.

She was the woman he felt warm for the first time.

In fact, the wicked fence is very bitter.

Why doesn't he want to be like a normal person? In that case, he can like Feng Sujin.

But at this time, he knew that Feng Sujin had a lover, and he could only hold a lot of thoughts in his heart.

After Jun Mohan looked, his face changed, and she became pale. "You must find her quickly, otherwise she is really in danger."

Blue Phoenix's identity is likely to be hidden.

Jun Mohan can no longer be calm and calm, his heart is raised.

Jun Mohan quickly started the detailed work arranged in the Wang Dian, and everyone started to look for it.

After listening to Jun Mohan's solemn words, Fei Qingli began to use his identity as a snake prince to mobilize some Shadow Guards, patrolling throughout the palace.

They are all looking for Feng Sujin quickly.

Hei Lingli even hurriedly begged his mother.

The queen looked anxious at the sloping fence and slapped her on the table with a slap. "You really care nothing for a woman. You are a prince of snakes. For the Blue Snake Kingdom, you cannot have a private relationship. All the selected women To dedicate to the great wizard, only in this way can she find the goddess, find the goddess, can save you, can save us Blue Snake ********** long believed in the big wizard so much? Is she really Was it for our Blue Snake Country? Wasn't she selfish? "

The queen replied sharply: "Mother believes her because it is her arrival that can help you cover everything and save you and make you live now ..."

"Maybe everything was caused by her."

"You just hit me for such a woman. I'm your mother. You haven't married yet, and your elbows have turned out. She's nothing more than pretty. You just hit me for her ..."

"Mother, I'm telling you the truth ... please mother, tell me where she is ..."

"No, come here, keep him under control."

This time, Hei Lei Li did not cooperate at all, and his body changed strangely to avoid all shadow guards. He grabbed the puppet beside the queen.

"You must know something, tell me!"


On the other side, the cat also quickly transmitted the news, which was a very dangerous signal.

Jun Mohan didn't want anything else, quickly moved in the direction of the signal sent by the cat.

His body was tense, his face was pale, his eyes were red. He kept thinking in his heart, A Jin, don't scare me, you must hold on, you must be safe.

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