Young Master Jun’s 100 Techniques to Spoil His Wife

Chapter 1219: Sleeping is not as important as him

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Feng Sujin was sour when she spoke.

She still blame him for not showing up so cruelly, let her follow suit.

At that time, she really didn't want to experience it again.

Jun Mohan listened to Feng Sujin's words, and gently held her in his arms. "No, I didn't sleep without you at that time, A Jin, you know, I would rather hurt myself than hurt Yours, do n’t say these good words, I ’ll try the dumplings for you. ”

Feng Sujin's eyes were a little moist. Looking at the dumplings, she really was reluctant to eat.

She was thinking that if these dumplings could be stored frozen, she would definitely keep them well.

Feng Sujin picked up a dumpling and placed it next to Jun Mohan's mouth.

"You eat, too. I should cook dumplings for you."

"Fool, you have been so badly injured. If you are tossing and busy again, are you going to make me feel bad?"

Feng Sujin shook her head. "I can't bear to make you feel bad."

"So eat well, rest early and be obedient, eh?"

"Well, but you have to eat dumplings with me."

"it is good."

Next, Feng Sujin sat in Jun Mohan's arms, and the two slowly ate dumplings, realizing the tenderness at this moment.

Feng Sujin fed Jun Mohan one and then she ate one herself.

Two people have eaten dumplings for a long time. Maybe not to eat dumplings for dumplings, but to experience the tenderness at this moment.

But after being full, Feng Sujin didn't know why, she was really sleepy.

She was really reluctant to sleep. She managed to get along quietly with Jun Mohan, and there was nothing else to disturb her. She wanted to hold more meetings and talk more.

When I was in Beiquan City in the Imperial City, I used to be together often, and I didn't think the time spent together was worth cherishing.

Now for her, staying together is so precious every minute.

She didn't even want to sleep.

But she didn't know why. After eating dumplings, she became sleepy.

Jun Mohan also gently touched her hair and said softly: "Sleep, I'll stay with you, let's rest together, take a good rest, everything will be resolved."

Feng Sujin bit her own lower lip with her teeth, shook her head hard, and pulled Jun Mohan's sleeve. "Mo Han, I want to talk to you more, I don't want to sleep, don't want to sleep ..."

Feng Sujin worked hard to see Jun Mohan with her eyes open. She also wanted to see him more, hug more, and smell his breath more.

"Strange, it's so sleepy."

"Ajin, you didn't sleep last night. You are tired. Sleeping will restore your spirit."

"Um ~ sleeping is not as important as you."

Jun Mohan listened to her child's words and laughed suddenly.

The softest part of my heart has been poked.

Jun Mohan's eyes flashed with complex eyes, and he looked at Feng Sujin deeply, with pampering pity and distress, and a little helplessness.

If Feng Sujin can see the light under his eyes at this time, he will surely stay awake.

"I woke up to see you."

Jun Mohan sighed in his heart, looked at the direction of the Snake King Palace in the distance, was silent for a while, and did not speak.

Feng Sujin's sleepy eyelids could not be opened, and I felt that I could not hear well, and I did not hear her family gentleman talking. He pulled his sleeves tightly, "Why don't you talk and wake up to see your turn."

Jun Mohan retracted his distant gaze and looked at Feng Sujin tenderly. "You will see, obediently, sleep!"

Feng Sujin then closed her eyes and fell asleep. She didn't hear Jun Mohan's voice with a faint tone.

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