Young Master Jun’s 100 Techniques to Spoil His Wife

Chapter 1239: The magic barrier of love

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Yuewu's hands holding the dagger were trembling slightly, her fingers were holding the dagger tightly, her green tendons were jumping slightly, her bones were clear.

His face was also pale and stiff.

How familiar this scene was, he could not forget it after so many years.

Because when she left, she was so hurt, so painful.

At the time, in this yard, he was holding a knife and wanted to kill her.

He loved that woman so much, but she betrayed him and even told him to leave and let him let her go.

At that time, he thought, kill this woman, and then commit suicide, they are still together.

But when his dagger was inserted into her heart, she did not hide or even do not fear.

She looked at him so straight, as if she were not afraid of death at all.

Maybe he knew he loved her and couldn't bear to kill her.

The light in her eyes was so deep and so decisive.

That woman is really cruel, and she would rather die than leave.


Yue was unconscious and fell into the memory, and the whole person entered a kind of magic barrier. Like the demon, the blood on her face faded.

Feng Sujin looked at Yuewu with no fear, and could not hide.

She knows that the more you evade, the more you have no intention to think you are afraid of death, the more you think you are false to love.

Moreover, she was an indifferent heart. For Jun Mohan, she was not afraid of being stabbed at all.

She didn't expect that Yue Yuexin's dagger was shaking before him, and his forehead was sweating finely.

At this moment, Feng Sujin saw the fragility of this man.

He seemed to be trapped in a magical world. He was afraid or afraid of himself, or he thought of something, and it was so painful.

Feng Sujin is clever, almost instantly, understand something.

She knew that Mr. must have thought of his wife this month.

Was it originally?

Feng Sujin opened her eyes wide and thought, did Mr. Yue just want to kill his wife?

Feng Sujin was a little puzzled, so did he kill or not?

Look at Yue Yuexin like this, is it really killed?

Feng Sujin's heart trembled a bit. If he really killed, how cruel this person is.

Feng Sujin is not worried about her safety. She is only concerned that he is unwilling to rescue Jun Mohan.

Feng Sujin was afraid that she would have no intention of going crazy this month, so she braced herself and said, "Mr. Yue, Mr. Yue ..."

Perhaps it was Feng Sujin's voice that made Yue Wuxin awake suddenly.

He looked at everything around him before realizing that he had just fallen into the magic barrier of his heart.

He hasn't been like this for a long, long time.

Unexpectedly, this woman had the ability to remind him of the scenes that she was least willing to think of.

"Since you can enter the Lingyue clan, you are also a fate. It is not difficult for me to wake him up."

Said, Yue Wuxin also put away the dagger.

Feng Sujin's eyes were bright and excited: "Mr. Yue, thank you, thank you for your willingness to save him, you believe in us, our relationship will not be destroyed."

Yue Wuxin apparently did not believe that he was deceived by the woman's sweet words at first.

So how could he believe.

"Look that you are so excited, if I say, if you can awaken him, you cannot afford it?"

Feng Sujin's face turned pale, and I don't know why, she felt a sense of fear, but she gritted her teeth and still said decisively: "I only want him to wake up, as long as he is in good health."

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