Young Master Jun’s 100 Techniques to Spoil His Wife

Chapter 1245: Feng Sujin's Tongue

Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin said, watching Yue cried even more innocently, and waived his mouth and said, "Are you unhappy and you like to torture others? Is it because of this reason that woman left you? You do n’t find the reason yourself , I like to torture others. If you do, that woman will not come back. You should touch her with tenderness, kindness, and love ... "

Although Feng Sujin was soothing Yue's inattention, in fact every sentence was stimulating Yue's inattention.

Who made him just want to break up with her and her husband.

She is still angry and afraid.

This forgetfulness made her really scared just now.

She was still scared now, and she was still worried.

What if he had no intention of forcing her to drink the water of forgetfulness this month to save Jun Mohan?

In other words, when he awakened Jun Mohan and drank Jun Mohan, he stopped her.

Feng Sujin's hands on the side of her body were clenched into fists, and she was still a little angry in the face of this month.

She must dispel his thoughts.

Yue Wuxin was really irritated by Feng Sujin's words. She coughed several times, and she felt like she was spitting out her internal organs.

Feng Sujin was worried that he would be shocked by qi, the kind of life that whimpered.

In that case, there is no way to save Jun Mohan.

Before waiting for Feng Sujin to say anything, Yue coughed innocently, and cried loudly, "What do you know, I love her, I love her very much, and what she wants, I want to give it, I have always petted her, she was hurt a little, I ca n’t bear it. I ca n’t bear to be tired and hungry. I ca n’t bear to ... ”

Feng Sujin squinted her eyes, "You think you paid a lot, she also paid a lot, right?"

Yue Wu clenched her head in pain, "I did n’t pay much, I wanted to give her better love. At first she loved me more ... but then we fell in love so much, how could she leave! It was me Where is it bad? "

"It must be that you did not cherish her at the beginning. There must be a reason for her to leave you. My husband and I love each other so much, and trust each other so much that I will not think about leaving. It must be that you did not do well. . "

Yue said unconsciously: "If it was something I didn't do well, she said, she said I would change, I would change ..."

Since that woman's departure, his heart has also disappeared. Over the years, he was hesitant and felt that time passed slowly.

He seemed to be sitting and eating and waiting to die. Perhaps, subconsciously, he was trying to take care of these flowers in order to wait for her to return.

He wanted to wait for her to figure out one day before returning.

He's waiting for her to come back, how can he forget!

Forget about love ...

"You woman, you're so passionate about me, you ..."

Feng Sujin doesn't understand Yue's unintentional love, so she can't even persuade, "Aren't you saying that forgetting water works? And this is something you developed yourself, you don't drink it, why do you let us drink it, I am this To help you, you also want to thank me, you forgot that woman, and then fall in love with another woman, you can still live a good life, why you embarrass yourself, and so embarrass others, do not know how much you have fallen in love What about the people ... "

Feng Sujin doesn't think she has done anything wrong.

Yuewu has no intention of tossing her. She just wants Yuewu to forget those things. If she forgets them, she may not be so perverted.

With a sound of "咚 ...", Yue Suxin was fainted by Feng Sujin.

Feng Sujin watched Yueyue fall to the ground unconsciously, her eyes widened in surprise, did she really faint?

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