Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin's gaze was firm, and he had a fearless look.

As long as someone separates her from her prince, as long as Yue is unwilling to wake up her prince, she can overcome other things.

Nothing to forget, she is going to break through.

Yue Wuxin looked at Feng Sujin's firm look. This will give him the upper hand rationally. He can see that Feng Sujin is sincere and loves Jun Mohan.

Otherwise, it will not look like this, and eyes will shine.

If it ’s someone else, if you do n’t love enough, you may feel hesitant when you hear that there is danger and you may not be able to return.

But Feng Sujin didn't hesitate at all, and she was very firm from beginning to end.

And maybe because of hope, she was excited.

Yue Wuxin had to admit that maybe Feng Sujin's love was real.

Maybe she's right, everyone's love is different.

Yue hesitated, and said, "Can I ask, did you and your lover fall in love from the beginning?"

"I have experienced emotional hurts and injuries, but when we are together, we cherish each other."

Yue Wuxin felt that his heart was cut by the sword again. He didn't cherish Laner at first.

Maybe their love is different.

He probably shouldn't embarrass them.

"As long as you can find the spirit stone and the flavor of medicinal herbs, I will guarantee your recovery, Mr. Jiajun."

Feng Sujin squinted his eyes, "I leave here, and I have to let someone around me take care of him before I feel relieved."

"I don't care if I don't want to talk. Since you promised, it won't change. You can rest assured."

Yue Wuxin is indeed a talker. When he was with Laner, he promised to love only her, and love never changed.

But how important Jun Mohan was to Feng Sujin, he didn't know at all.

Feng Sujin couldn't do anything unsure, so in her various statements, Yuewuxin was willing to let a person enter the Lingyue clan and help take care of Jun Mohan temporarily.

Feng Sujin asked Qiu Wenxun to come in to see the guard Mohan.

Feng Sujin has her own inner thoughts and plans. On the one hand, Qiu Wenmao knows medicine and has Qiu Wenmao to take care of Jun Mohan. She is very relieved.

In addition, Qiu Wenmao can also learn something with Yue Wuxin, which may help a lot in taking care of Jun Mohan's body in the future.

All of Feng Sujin's considerations were for Jun Mohan, she never thought of herself.

The more she observes and understands, the more willing she is to believe that the world still has true love.

He had to reflect on himself. He always didn't understand. Later he loved Lan so much. Why did she leave?

A few days before she left, she still pestered him and made him love her.

"Sacrifice for him, you have no regrets?"

Feng Sujin looked at the portrait of Laner in Yuewuxin's study, and her expression moved. "You are not the same. She left you. You are still thinking about it, no complaints?"

Yue Wuxin was dumbfounded by a sentence like Feng Sujin.

This woman's tongue is very good, and she is very poisonous. She talks specifically about people's weaknesses. Yuewu has no intention to be aware of it.

He felt that he couldn't talk more to this woman, and every time he said a few more words, his heart hurt.

Because every time she talked to Laner.

Feng Sujin looked at so many portraits in the study room, with some emotion, this woman actually doesn't look very beautiful, but she looks good, especially her smile is very contagious and she should have cheerful temperament.

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