Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Jun Mohan eagerly wanted to wake up, he would rather fall asleep like this, than let Feng Sujin go to the country without forgetting.

But he could not open his eyes, let alone send any information, with all his strength.

Jun Mohan's anxious body was adjusting power, but it didn't work at all.

A Jin, his A Jin ...

Jun Mohan's heart is bleeding.

Earlier, when Wu Sujin had no intention of embarrassing Feng Sujin, he heard all the words that Feng Sujin said, and his heart touched.

There were too many touches and too much warmth, which made his whole body sour.

He wanted to hold A Jin in his arms.

She made him so distressed.

His Ah Kin is so good, it's not that he is stupid, he pays a lot, it is his Ah Jin who has been giving.

She never loves him less.

Only they know to each other how deep the love is.

This is the person he loves, let him comfort, let him love deeper and deeper.

But I just don't worry about it ...

What should he do with her?

Especially without forgetting the country, when Jun Mohan thought of Feng Sujin going to the place without forgetting for him, he felt a sense of fear.

He wants to wake up, he wants to organize Feng Sujin.

But maybe he reversed the blood of the body too much. All of his external senses disappeared for a while, and the whole person went to sleep ...

He was in a dream, and he couldn't feel the outside state.

This time, Jun Mohan slept in nothingness.


Feng Sujin hugged Feng Sujin tightly, her heart was hurting.

She felt guilty and guilty, and she was in pain, because Jun Mohan's appearance was indeed related to her.

Qiu Wenzheng was also very shocked. He didn't know what happened in the middle, but he also wanted to know that Jun Mohan would only lose his life so much when he was Feng Sujin.

But he looked at Feng Sujin so painfully, crying silently, his shoulders shaking.

He couldn't stand it and advised: "Feng Sujin, you look like this, Jun Mohan must not want to see, he will be distressed."

Feng Sujin choked and said, "Qiu Wenmao, you were right before, he was like this for me. I have to cheer up and not let him pay in vain."

"You can think like that."

"But my heart hurts."

Feng Sujin said, her fingers trembled slightly, and she took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and she was going to contact Fei Lei Li to determine what had happened before she went.

She looked at Xiangyue and said, "Is there a signal here?"

Yue Wuxin took Feng Sujin to the nearby mountain peak. "Here, you can contact the signal of the Blue Snake Kingdom. After all, the Lingyue clan is now closed to the outside world, but fortunately, the Blue Snake Kingdom is open to the outside world."

After Feng Sujin talked with Fei Qingli on the phone, she asked directly about the day at the altar in the palace.

Hei Qingli hesitated a little, not knowing whether to tell Feng Sujin.

"Heidi, please tell me, tell me ..."

After Feng Sujin repeated over and over again, Fei Qing couldn't bear it, and still told her.

Feng Sujin knew that Jun Mohan had extinguished a blue light.

Blue light, Feng Sujin faintly knows that it is related to Blue Phoenix.

But specifically, she was not clear.

She asked Yuet carelessly.

Yue Wuxin said affirmatively: "The blue light is the most important light in the ethereal space. It burns the essence of the blue phoenix, the nirvana of the phoenix, and the light is present. As long as there is a blue light, everyone will know the blue A phoenix should be found somewhere in the world in the direction of the stars, but if the light goes out, it means that the blue phoenix has fallen, and everyone should not want to find the blue phoenix again unless she is willing to show it to the world. "

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