Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin said this sentence, was originally full of positive energy.

But Jun Mohan listened to his heart, and his heart was sour with pantothenic acid.

He is a man and should protect his wife.

He let Feng Sujin know this.

"A Jin ..."

Jun Mohan's throat became astringent, and he wanted to say something and explain something, but didn't know how to speak.

Feng Sujin listened to this sigh, and knew that Jun Mohan's heart was uncomfortable.

She hurriedly said, "Man Han, you don't have to say anything. I know that as long as we are together, really, as long as this, so I do n’t do filigree, I will become stronger, it is my own change Strong, for myself, for love. "

Feng Sujin really didn't want Jun Mohan to feel guilty.

Jun Mohan has done enough for her, she knows it and knows it.

She's not the kind of woman who doesn't understand goodness and cherish.

Listening to Feng Sujin's remarks, Jun Mohan was very touched, and a lot of emotions were coming up.

He sighed in his heart, "A Jin, how can you let me love you more?"

"As long as you don't leave me, don't let me be scared and scared at every turn."

"It's easy to satisfy."

"I was always satisfied with you."

The two talked in such a sweet way, and soon reached the real foot of the mountain. There was a stone wall with complicated lines on the stone wall.

Feng Sujin is vaguely familiar with these lines, but it is impossible to judge for a while.

So she was going to mobilize the memories that might be latent in her mind.

Feng Sujin is going to think hard.

When she was thinking about it, Jun Mohan stopped her at once, "A Jin, don't think about it, do as I say."

Jun Mohan knew that Feng Sujin forced her to think about it. Some memories were not good. If Feng Sujin remembered it, it was time for the seal to be opened.

Perhaps it is not the time to remind Feng Sujin all the time.

Although he didn't know how long Feng Sujin's memory as a blue phoenix was long.

Maybe it was only when she was a child, maybe it includes all the memories that belonged to Blue Phoenix long ago.

Because there is too much uncertainty, Jun Mohan didn't dare to take risks and didn't want Feng Sujin to bear more.

If Feng Sujin doesn't know the previous things and some knowledge, he will be the memory of Feng Sujin and the guide of Feng Sujin.

As long as Feng Sujin is beside Jun Mohan, he will listen to Jun Mohan very much.

She felt that Jun Mohan was right, even if Jun Mohan was wrong.

In short, Jun Mohan can't be wrong, and her trust can't be wrong.

It is this paranoid trust that has allowed the two to go on until now and never give up.

Feng Sujin nodded vigorously, eyes widened, waiting to hear Jun Mohan's next words.

Jun Mohan looked at Feng Sujin's appearance, but she just couldn't help but think of it. When she loved coquettishness, she just sat in his arms, on his legs, like a cat, lazily, and then Blinking big eyes, listening to him, nodding from time to time.

Jun Mohan's eyes were soft and warm, he missed that time very much.

But now is not the time to think about those words, he said intently, "Ajin, this time you will need your blood, it will hurt, bear with me."

"I'm not afraid of pain."

After having experienced so much, she can take the knife to the heart without hesitation, how can she care about the pain of the cut hand!

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