Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

After staying here for so many years, Ran Qiulan also knew a lot of secrets.

She was very clever and talked with the voice of this coffin, and also made a lot of news.

Coupled with her identity as a guardian girl, as well as those historical archives seen in the Lingyue clan, she knew too much.

In these years, because she has hidden spiritual stones in her body, she has been trapped in the lock-up circle. Every day, except to miss the moon, she has no intention of studying this group of people.

Maybe it was something that Qiulan had just angered, and the power of the Moroccan array began to intensify.

In order to protect the power of the spirit stone, Ran Qiulan resisted this power with all the power of the guardian girl.

Because the other party wants to absorb the spiritual power of the spirit stone, she can't let the other party **** it. One day, she will wait for the person who will come and give her the spirit stone to her and bring it back to the Lingyue clan.

This is the power she has in mind, and she persists till now.

For love and for Yue's heartlessness, she persisted.

At the beginning, knowing the purpose of this wave of people, she swallowed the spirit stone, sealed it in her own body, and coexisted with the blood.

Only in this way can she temporarily protect the Lingyue clan.

Because the other party's purpose is the spirit stone, she is here, they will not go to destroy the Lingyue clan, nor will they kill other people who have no forgetfulness.

But her strength was weak after all, and she couldn't save everyone.

Because the other party has a huge plan to devour anger and aura, not only in order to resurrect a person, it seems that there is something important to do.

Perhaps only the legendary Blue Phoenix can stop it.

It is a symbol of sacred and nobility, able to resist all the dark and evil forces in the world.

In the ancient books of the Lingyue tribe or the unforgettable country, the ambassadors thousands of years ago have written that the blue phoenix is ​​to save the world.

With her there, righteousness has always been.

Ran Qiulan always believed, so she persisted.


The Suo Ling array was too strong in absorbing the aura, and Qiu Lan's body trembled with pain.

She felt that all her strength was going to be exhausted, but she still clenched her teeth, and the corners of her mouth were bleeding because her teeth were too heavy.

"Stubborn people."

"Haha, you are stubborn. What the **** are you? It won't be a person willing to sacrifice, oh ... no, not a human ..."



After a while, Jun Mohan's figure gradually appeared.

When Feng Sujin saw him again, he ran forward excitedly, and hugged Jun Mohan with a hug.

But because she was running too fast, and Jun Mohan was a ghost, her fingers passed through Jun Mohan, and she fell to the ground all at once.

Jun Mohan was distressed and wanted to help Feng Sujin, but also passed through her and couldn't do anything.

"A Jin, I'm still, don't look like this, don't worry me."

"Where you just went, I can't see you anymore."

"I just went to look around, so you didn't find me."

Feng Sujin looked at Jun Mohan's serious look, it did not seem to be false, as long as he was fine.

Feng Sujin was relieved, she said carefully: "Mo Han, next time, don't you disappear suddenly, OK? You must tell me, let me know where you went, OK?"

Feng Sujin's voice was so fragile, so careful, she was like a fragile doll, and it broke when she touched it.

"Ajin, you have to believe that I must be by your side, even if you can't see me, you have to believe that I must be by your side."

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