Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

With this voice, the woman turned on the buttons from the coffin.

Immediately afterwards, the danger began to go towards Feng Sujin and others from all directions.

Feng Sujin quickly met, and the silver needle in his hand flew out.

The figure also spun around quickly.

Her physical response and sensitivity have risen several levels, and it is not difficult to avoid the dangers now.

Moreover, when Feng Sujin avoided it, instinctively based on his perception, the gun in his hand also fired in the direction of the coffin.

It was a furious fight.

Because Feng Sujin's invasion destroyed the other party's most important thing, it was really a state of endless killing.

"Bang bang ..."

The assassination in Shimen began.

Jun Mohan saw the woman who jumped out of the coffin. There was a pattern on her clothes, which was a family logo.

Jun Mohan's eyes flashed a dangerous light, "That's the Xiqiao family."

Feng Sujin snorted while fighting the woman. "I didn't expect to be a member of the Xiqiao family, but it was really a ghost."

Feng Sujin followed Jun Mohan's command, while evading the institution, while fighting the woman.

Feng Sujin found that this woman could not be killed at all.

Ran Qiulan also saw the problem. She sat up strong and said weakly, "She is not a person, she is a container. Her fatal point is in Dantian, where is the place to absorb the aura and breath of life ..."

Ran Qiulan shouted such a sentence with all her strength.

The woman who jumped out of the coffin said to Ran Qiuran angrily: "Look to death! Since it ruined my life, then you should die!"

Speaking, just pressing a button obviously apparently killed Ran Qiulan.

Ran Qiulan flinched and huddled to protect a place where the spirit stone was located.

She can die, but she needs to protect the stone.

This is the reaction of Dylan's instinct.

Feng Sujin heard Ran Qiulan's words. When she looked at the past, she instantly recognized that this woman was Ran Qiulan, and that woman Yue Yue had no intention of carving in her bones.

Although this woman is no longer thin and pale and weak, but her appearance has not changed, she still sees it.

And Feng Sujin could see that something was set around her, and a dark, invisible line locked her on that stone.

In a dangerous moment, Feng Sujin quickly turned around and jumped to Yan Qiulan, and a hand reached out to pull Qiu Lan out of there.

Perhaps because Feng Sujin is a blue phoenix, she can restrain those dark powers and can crack these formations, so she really took Ran Qiulan.

At the same time, the stone that had just been dyed by Qiu Lan broke apart.

After saving Qiu Lan from that place, Feng Sujin began to focus on attacking the weird woman.

"Look for death, look for death ..."

That woman seemed to say such a word.

Feng Sujin is even more domineering: "The running dogs of the Xiqiao family, today I will walk for the sky, and I will destroy you."

Feng Sujin's momentum is absolutely above that woman.

But the woman could not deal with Feng Sujin. She started shouting, opened her hands, and then the continuous breath of life and the aura that had been absorbed suddenly swelled out of her body, her power burst out It is equivalent to eating Dali Wan, and it has grown several times.

"Haha, no matter what you are, dare to be right with the Xi'er family and destroy our law of resurrection, we will die."

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