Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Jun Mohan bowed his head and kissed Feng Sujin's eyes, said warmly and lovingly: "Well, I slept for a long time, and I slept for five days."

Feng Sujin froze, "Five days? So long?"

Why did she just feel asleep.

Jun Mohan took out the paper towel next to him and began to wipe the sweat on Feng Sujin's forehead. "Did you dream?"

Feng Sujin opened her mouth and wanted to talk to Jun Mohan.

But she felt that she said too much, only to make Jun Mohan worry and worry. She flashed her eyes and said, "It seems that there are some strange and weird images. I don't remember it when I wake up."

Said, Feng Sujin covered her head.

Jun Mohan hugged her gently and rubbed her hair. "Don't think about it, it's just a dream, just wake up."

Feng Sujin nodded, then hugged Jun Mohan, leaned in his arms eagerly, smelled the breath on him, and felt a sense of peace.

Finally I can hold it.

She feels so cherished, she wants to hold it all the time.

Because she felt that she hadn't held Jun Mohan for a long time.

The gesture that Feng Sujin embraces like this is a particularly dependent one.

Jun Mohan patted her back gently, and she was patient, she just stayed with her.

Jun Mohan sighed in his heart, he spent too little time with her.

He will stay with her in the future.

Make up for many missing days.

Feng Sujin closed her eyes and leaned into Jun Mohan's arms.

Feeling very relieved, after this arms, she is no longer afraid.

Feng Sujin began to think about those scenes in her dreams.

She could feel that the woman who was burned by the flame was her, but it was different, and the woman was wearing different clothes, so noble, not any kind of clothes she had seen, but very gorgeous.

These things are difficult to figure out. Even telling Jun Mohan is useless.

Jun Mohan saw that Feng Sujin had just woke up, fearing that her body would be unwell, and she was worried, but his family A Jin just hugged him and leaned out of his arms.

Jun Mohan said softly, "What are you thinking?"

Feng Sujin slowly opened her eyes and settled down to the heart and mind: "I miss you, you can't leave me later."

"Okay, don't leave."

Although I heard this many times, this time, Feng Sujin felt it was true.

She looked up and looked at Jun Mohan carefully, "Mo Han, are you really okay, aren't you? Your body is all right, aren't you? What awakening did you say before, what happened?"

Jun Mohan kissed Su Fengjin's lips, "You ask so many questions, which one do I answer?"

"All answer, all answer ..."

Feng Sujin tugs at Jun Mohan's sleeve and begins to coquettishly.

Jun Mohan's eyes became more and more gentle, gentle as water, tender feeling like water, the wave in his eyes seemed to swallow Feng Sujin.

A long-lost feeling made him very missed.

Jun Mohan said: "Okay, all answer, my body is okay, rest assured. The previous injury was good for my body. I inherited the capabilities of my mother and father. Every awakening is actually a breakthrough. Will only make me stronger and better. "

Feng Sujin frowned, "Don't lie to me? What about the cold festival?"

She remembered that Nalan Xianger said that Jun Mohan had the most severe cold sacrifice in his body.

When Feng Sujin asked this sentence, the light in Jun Mohan's eyes flashed away. "The disease of the cold sacrifice is no problem. Don't think about it any more. A Jin, I can prove by action that my body is fine."

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