Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Jun Mohan touched Su Jin's head and sighed: "I told you before that Yue Wuxin is the head of the Lingyue clan, which is connected to the spiritual stone, and the spiritual stone is originally an aura. , Ling Shi has been following Dyan Qiulan and already has a lot of memories related to Dian Qiulan. "

When she heard this, Feng Sujin was shocked all over, and she was a little dreadful because it was incredible. The memory of Ran Qiulan was seen by Yue Wuxin. She knew everything about Yue Wuxin, and wondered if Yue Wuxin could bear it. live.

"That ’s equivalent, we do n’t have to say anything, Yue knows everything and knows more than we do. It ’s the same as watching a movie against Ling Shi. ? "

Jun Mohan looked a little dignified, "If there is no Qiulan, he will collapse. A Jin, thanks to your last rescue of Qiulan, it is equivalent to saving two people. If the light brings the spirit stone back, Moon has no intention. He will also know all the past of Yan Qiulan. If that happened, then he would collapse ... "

Hearing here, Feng Sujin felt fearful for a while.

If you really do n’t save Ran Qiulan, Yue Wuxin will receive the spirit stone, and she will know the memory. If Yueyi collapses unconsciously, she wo n’t say to wake up Momo.

The more Feng Sujin thought, the more painful her heart was.

Her body was weak, and it was fortunate that Jun Mohan hugged her so that she would not sit on the ground.

Feng Sujin shook his mind and thought: "Mo Han, in fact, this world has given us too many tests. You see, we can't be too selfish. At that moment, fortunately, I kept my heart, without hesitation. You saved Yan Qiulan, and you are saving yourself as well as others. Fortunately, I saved Yan Qiulan, and Yueyi is still normal, and he can wake you up ... "

Feng Sujin clutched Jun Mohan's hand tightly, she now has a lot of touch in her heart.

Jun Mohan distressed Feng Sujin in his arms, sat on his lap, and comforted him: "A Jin is the best and noblest woman in the world. Therefore, A Jin will not dye Qiulan forever, Ah If Jin can save it, he will definitely save it. Did Jin hesitate at that moment? "

Feng Sujin shook her head. "At that moment, I didn't think of anything. I just felt that I was also a person who had experienced love. It was not easy to know that dyeing Qiulan and Yue was inadvertent, so I really thought about it and must save him. , Have never thought of anything else, and have no selfish thoughts. "

"So, A Jin is such a good person, don't think about it, those are gone."

Feng Sujin was comforted by Jun Mohan, his mood calmed down.

"Mo Han, let's go. Let's go to see Qiulan."

"Yue doesn't care for her. You eat first. Just wake up and need some energy."

Feng Sujin couldn't eat at all, she was not in a mood to eat now.

Jun Mohan held Feng Sujin and fed her with chopsticks, just like feeding a child. "Eat one more bite, we will go to see Qiulan after another bite ..."

Under the persuasion of Jun Mohan, Feng Sujin ate half full.

Immediately after eating, Feng Sujin couldn't wait to see Dran Qiulan.

Yue Wuxin settled Ran Qiulan in the bedroom of that hut. As soon as she opened the window, there were flowers in the garden. The fragrance was good and the scenery was beautiful.

If only the hostess woke up again.

It was very quiet here, and only heard Yue Wuxin's hoarse voice.

Jun Mohan bowed his head in Feng Sujin's ear and said, "Since Dan Qiulan came back, even if she was drowsy, Yuewuxin has been talking in her ear and staying with her, so her voice is a little dumb."

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