Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin said, there is a lofty ambition.

She found that the higher the standing, the wider the horizon, the more the heart can accommodate more things, and the pride is in the heart.

Jun Mohan looked at Feng Sujin brightly, with a gratifying light in his eyes.

This is his wife, his lover, he watched her grow up and grow as he wanted to see, he was proud of her.

But at the same time, there was a feeling of distress and anger in my heart.

His Ah Jin has experienced a lot and suffered a lot in his heart before he grows to what he is now.

If he could, he really wanted to protect her under the wings.

If Feng Sujin is an ordinary woman, he can do so.

But Feng Sujin is a blue phoenix, a blue phoenix destined to soar for nine days, an extremely blue phoenix.

He couldn't protect her in ordinary ways.

Feng Sujin finished speaking, blinking at Jun Mohan, just like a child, waiting for praise.

Jun Mohan touched Feng Sujin's hair. "Very good, in line with my ideas, my Jin is already very strong."

"I want to be stronger, but you have to stay with me, no matter how strong I am, it is also your Jin."

Jun Mohan nodded, put his chin on Feng Sujin's head, and said softly, "Well, it's my Jin."

Feng Sujin leaned on Jun Mohan's arms, listening to his powerful heartbeat, all had a strong sense of security.

"Mo Han, shall we leave immediately?"

"You just woke up. You have a day off today, and we will start again tomorrow morning."

"I'm not tired."

Feng Sujin felt that when she saw Jun Mohan, she had great strength as a whole, and she was full of energy.

"Fool, don't be tired and rest, don't make me distressed, you know?"

Feng Sujin's heart trembled again, and felt that every word of his family's gentleman was trembling, and her heartbeat kept accelerating and did not stop.

Feng Sujin stayed with Jun Mohan all day, and the two became more and more sticky, as if to make up for all the time.

In the evening, Feng Sujin and Jun Mohan cook together and make a table of dishes.

Many dishes are made according to medicated diet.

She had Jun Mohan and Qiu Wenyu, and Yue Wuxin, dyed Qiulan, and sat down to eat together.

Although Qiu Lan was still a little weak, she looked much better.

When eating, from beginning to end, Yue carelessly took care of Ran Qiulan.

Feng Sujin can see that Yue Wuxin's eyebrows are full of Qiu Lan's figure, so soft and soft.

Every move, a look, can make people see how much he loves Ran Qiulan.

This man really was in love.

"Laner, this is your favorite, it is helpful to your body. Take a bite ... Is your stomach still comfortable? Have some soup ..."

Yue Wuxin really feeds Ran Qiulan's mouth.

Ran Qiulan was a little embarrassed, but Yue didn't care what other people thought, and his Laner finally came back.

He would make up for the missing time, and give all the love he could give to Laner.

Qiu Wenzheng's focus is on his brother, Jun Mohan.

In his opinion, Jun Mohan was really a favorite of Su Sujin, and he wished he could do everything for Su Sujin.

Qiu Wenxun looked at a pair of lovers, and then looked at himself, still a little lonely in heart, and some were lost.

He always thought of Liang Xiaoqing involuntarily, and then sighed in his heart.

After walking through so many roads, he insisted on loosening at the beginning. He thought that in fact, he could promise Xiaoqing and be together.

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