Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin personally took everyone to train, whether it is physical ability or acuity, she must let everyone go to a higher level.

And she has to push the limits of everyone's body.

It is also necessary to strengthen everyone's actual combat capabilities, the ability to explore in danger, and various capabilities.

This mountain forest is really very steep and very suitable for training.

Feng Sujin asked the cat to call a lot of beasts from the forest, and specifically "accompanied".

The speed can really be improved by being able to run through the beasts and the ability to run fast in the mountains and forests.

In danger, let everyone increase tacit understanding and cohesion.

Feng Sujin sleeps two or three hours a day and accompanies everyone to train.

Jun Mohan looked very distressed, but Feng Sujin was full of energy. She didn't feel tired or sleepy at all.

Jun Mohan looked at Feng Sujin's state, his eyes were a little dark.

Perhaps Feng Sujin's body can already accommodate all the power of the Blue Phoenix, and one day the seal will be lifted.

He was watching Feng Sujin getting stronger.

Looking at him, those subordinates he used to admire Feng Sujin more and more.

And he can see the change of everyone's status. Every soldier has an excited look on his face and is actively strengthening his training.

Jun Mohan looked at him, he looked up at the sky, he believed that, as Feng Sujin said, this would be the most powerful team of male lions.

At the same time, detailed information about the dream country is constantly being passed to Jun Mohan.

When Jun Mohan was training in Feng Sujin, he began to formulate a combat plan based on the situation in the dream country.

The two cooperated tacitly.

In addition, in order to understand the situation in more detail, Jun Mohan used the news network that is still in the imperial capital to understand the situation of the imperial capital of the empire, as well as some information about the national hero.

Soon, they will break into the imperial capital.

Jun Mohan's eyes were getting deeper and deeper.

It won't be long.


h country

Nan Rong Family

Feng Sufei felt she had a long, long dream.

In the dream, she seemed to be back to the queen's life, and experienced everything the queen had again.

It's really that all the scenes are reproduced the same.

Those joys, those hurting those pains, all forgotten, are engraved in my mind again.

She didn't want to remember it, but the memory of the Queen kept flashing in her mind.

Let her understand that she is the queen, she is Feng Sufei, and also the queen Dongfangyan. The true queen of the country h is her soul.

She was re-reading the memories and found that her heart was still lonely.

She thought that in addition to her grandmother loving her, when Feng Sufei loved her loved ones, she didn't seem to really experience a sincere love feeling.

The love Si Sishen gave her was fake.

Nan Rong Huai An, they are actually a one-year agreement. Perhaps Nan Rong Huai An is still thinking about Zi Wan Xun.

She ... she will still leave!

When she was lonely and desolate in her heart, she often immersed herself in the tenderness of Nan Rong Huaian.

However, she didn't know what happened in that explosion and that assassination.

She thanked Nan Rong Huai'an for her persistence, and thanked him for his salvation. She was really immersed in his tenderness.

However, he never said he liked, didn't he say love, didn't he?

But Feng Sufei felt that her heart was a little out of control.

Feng Sufei shed a tear, even when she was asleep.

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