Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sufei's gesture of waving her hands was like a picture of Nan Rong Huai An leaving.

Make Nan Rong Huai an awful cry.

He shook his head and looked at Feng Sufei. "Sufei, you are my wife. You look like this, can I rest you alone here?"


Feng Sufei's heart moved, and every time she wanted to calm down, she was always moved by Nan Rong Huai An's words.

She can't openly ask Nan Rong Huai'an, what do you mean by this, is it true?

In that case, she would be like a fool.

Feng Sufei shook her arm. "I'm not a child. What do I need? I can ring the bell. The situation in country h is so severe now. You must have a lot of work to do?"

Nan Rong Huai An shook his head. "Those things can't compare with you. I waited for you to wake up for a long time. Even many people in the Nan Rong family are waiting for you to appear."

Feng Sufei blinked, "Huai'an, we are an agreement husband and wife, wouldn't you really treat me as a wife? In fact, just follow the agreement, you don't have to do this to me, there are no outsiders now, but the family of the Nan Rong Listen to me, your Nanrong family is very cohesive, and I want to say that it is stronger than any other family. "

The last sentence is the most pertinent judgment of Feng Sufei.

If Feng Sufei was so sane, Nan Rong Huai'an was also taken aback, and the smile on his face gradually converged.

There was a flash of light under his eyes, deep and complicated.

So he looked at Feng Sufei.

Feng Sufei's eyes were clear and calm, as if what she said was what she thought.

Xu Yan, Nan Rong Huaian said, "Su Fei, I really can't see you as an ordinary woman. You are unique."

Feng Sufei's eyes brightened, and she smiled and said, "Is this a compliment to me?"

Nan Rong Huai An shook his head. "It's true! You gave me a new understanding of women."

Feng Sufei thought that Nan Rong Huai'an had refused to attend the royal banquet before, her mouth moved, and said lightly, "That's because you didn't want to know before. There are still many people and things in the world that you don't understand?"

After a pause, Feng Sufei couldn't help but say, "You have been thinking about your fiancee before, it is Ziwan Xun. I guess you haven't paid attention to others?"

Nan Rong Huai'an looked silent, silent.

Feng Sufei pouted her lips, thinking that she might have poked Nan Rong Huaian's sad past.

Sure enough, she shouldn't mention Zi Wan Xun Xun!

"Huai'an, please go first. I will exercise for a while. It will be fine in a while. You can watch it here. I can't train well."

At this moment, Nan Rong Huai An nodded, pushed the chair to stop beside Feng Su Fei, and patted her on the shoulder. "What's wrong with me, remember that you are the young grandma of the Nan Rong family."

Feng Sufei nodded, then watched Nan Rong Huaian push the chair out of the room door.

Feng Sufei exhaled a long breath.

She really can't figure out what Nan Rong Huai'an is thinking, which is true and which is false.

The young grandma of the Nam Rong family?

Can she keep herself in this position?

No, she cannot allow herself to indulge.

She is the queen in her bones and will one day restore her queen status.

She can no longer indulge in children's love, she still has a lot to do.

Feng Sufei shook her head, shook off some of the messy emotions in her head, and began to seriously train herself.

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