Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sufei listened to Wu Yan's words, her expression changed.

After returning in the afternoon, after leaving from her, should Nan Rong Huaian go to the next loft and never come out?

After getting along with Nan Rong Huaian for a while, Feng Sufei also knew a little about Nan Rong Huaian's habits.

If he has any thoughts and wants to be alone, he will stay alone for a long time.

In any case, the banquet tonight must always be attended with Nan Rong Huaian.

After all, it was a banquet that she reappeared. Although it was a banquet of the Nan Rong family, she also invited many family successors.

All of them were people she knew when she was fighting.

She never underestimates these people, and adds up to a lot of strength, because each person represents their own family.

Although it's still early and less than the banquet time, Nanrong Huaian always appears.

Feng Sufei said a few words of humiliation to a few people in Nanrong's family.

She pondered, and went to the attic next to it.

Everyone in the Nan Rong family knows that the attic is a private forbidden area for the young master, and few people can enter.

Of course, Miss Zi once went in.

So their young grandma can naturally enter.

So Feng Sufei asked where the attic was, and everyone quickly pointed her out.

Feng Sufei walked around the forest of the sycamore tree, and gradually entered a courtyard next to it. There was a feeling of being in the depths of time.

The scenery inside is completely different from the outside. It is quiet and peaceful, which can make people's hearts calm down.

Feng Sufei looked at the beautiful and delicate lofts not far away, as if they were all buildings from the last world.

There are guards on both sides of the building. When they see that they are young grandma, they will not stop them.

Even if the young master has explained, other people cannot enter, but young grandma is not someone else!

Before, the young master could bring Miss Zi in, and the younger grandma could naturally come in.

Feng Sufei slowly walked up the stairs and saw Nanrong Huaian in the attic.

He seemed to be immersed in his own world, and did not hear footsteps, nor saw Feng Sufei's arrival.

He was holding a picture in his hand and was looking seriously.

Feng Sufei looked at the figure of Nan Rong Huai'an sitting there, not knowing why, and her heart followed.

She looked at the attic, filled with various paintings, many of them landscape paintings, and all the furnishings were also beautiful.

It really makes people quiet.

Even though Feng Sufei was slow in her pace, Nanrong Huaian heard it later.

When he turned his head to see Feng Sufei, he was slightly surprised, with doubts and strange cold eyes under his eyes.

This kind of look is very cold, so just look at Feng Sufei.

Let Feng Sufei's heart become cold with an instant.

Feng Sufei followed her whole body stiffened, and she felt for a moment that she and Nan Rong Huaian might really be strangers.

Maybe those pasts that have been intimate and close are the same as her hallucinations.

Feng Sufei's heart was stung by such cold eyes.

But she would never let Nan Rong Huaian see her fragile.

Nan Rong Huaian didn't speak.

Feng Sufei pursed her lips and said slightly stiffly, "Tonight's banquet, everyone will be here for a while. I don't see you, so come up and see."

Feng Sufei's sentence was an explanation, but her heart was cold and bitter, and she didn't show it on her face.

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