Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Fang Xiaoxiao knew Feng Sufei's temperament, and she must know the latest news.

And during this time, she really lived up to Feng Sufei's expectations.

When Fang Xiaoxiao and Feng Sufei hugged, they whispered in her ears, audible by the voice of only two people.

Feng Sufei listened to Fang Xiaoxiao's words, a bright light flashed under her eyes.

"Xiaoxiao, thank you, you are doing well."

"No, it was you who made me think that life could be so meaningful, and we are all preparing for the return of the queen."

Fang Xiaoxiao actually knew something, but Feng Sufei didn't say anything, and she didn't click.

She will continue to work hard to help Feng Sufei.

As long as Feng Sufei is going to do something, she will strongly support it. Even if Feng Sufei wants to kill, she will kill Feng Sufei.

The Fang family guarded the royal family's pulse is such a temperament, to identify a master, that is loyal enough.

That's why Feng Sufei trusts Fang Xiaoxiao so much that she will feel warm when she sees her.

Many people at the banquet, looking at the two beautiful women hugging each other, did not have any sense of disharmony, they all felt a pleasing feeling.

After Fang Xiaoxiao said, she could actually feel a sense of loneliness from Feng Sufei. She was really distressed. "Su Fei, we will always support you, you are not alone."

No one knows how important Fang Xiaoxiao's sentence is to Feng Sufei.

Especially when Feng Sufei was cold in her heart, this sentence was really important to her.

Let her be full of strength, let her feel warm.

Feng Sufei was touched, she closed her eyes and said, "Xiaoxiao, thank you."

Thank you so much, thank her for coming, thank her for her support, and thank her for the warmth.

Feng Sufei can actually have too little warmth. In fact, she sometimes feels that she is not like a queen, because she feels that she is easy to satisfy, and she cherishes the warmth in her life.

In fact, this is not like the queen of high cold.

But she cherishes it.

Even if she had taught her so painful and **** lessons before, she still kept that goodness and kindness in her heart.

It is not controlled by hatred.

Fang Xiaoxiao listened to Feng Sufei's voice, and she seemed to be touched.

Fang Xiaoxiao looked up at Feng Sufei, "Sufei, if I am a man, it is really easy to fall in love with you, you are so good."

"Don't make fun of it. Everyone is watching. Attend the banquet first. See you tomorrow in our old place."

"Okay, see you there."


Feng Sufei continued to say hi to everyone.

Today, to the people in the area of ​​the Nan Rong family, Feng Sufei is a legend with respect.

Everyone doesn't think she discriminates against her without background and identity. On the contrary, everyone is optimistic about Feng Sufei and respects her very much.

Moreover, Feng Sufei's gas field is very strong, everyone thinks she is really noble, and makes people involuntarily obey.

The banquet at six o'clock in the evening has not yet appeared in Huai'an.

Feng Sufei stood alone, entertained everyone, thanked everyone, and then the music sounded, and everyone talked and toasted each other.

Even if her foot hurts, Feng Sufei has always endured, and she hasn't been shown any discomfort from beginning to end.

She represents the Nan Rong family. She also represents herself. One day, she will also represent the queen and the royal family, so she must be distinguished and elegant.

Everyone came close and the impression of Feng Sufei was very good.

It's just that everyone is weird, why did Master Nan Rong not appear.

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