Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sufei had a headache and was dizzy. When she fell asleep, she felt very tired.

Just as she was confused, she felt someone calling her in her ear and calling her name.

The voice was so gentle and so nice that her heart could calm down somehow.

It seems that listening to this voice, fatigue can dissipate a lot.

Very gentle and gentle voice, in the mist, she felt that it was her favorite voice.

Nan Rong Huai An gently smoothed her eyebrows with wind Su Fei, "Su Fei, Su Fei ..."

Nan Rong Huai'an had a good temper and patiently called Feng Sufei's name.

The servants next to me felt a little shocked. The young master's voice was so gentle and patient, and he kept annoying the name of Grandma.

It makes people easy to hear.

Those outside did not know anything, and arranged young grandma.

Young Master cares so much about Grandma, those people don't know.

Nan Rong Huaian let both the servant and the doctor go down, and he took care of Feng Sufei in the room alone.

Feng Sufei really wanted to sleep, but the voice kept screaming.

She could only open her eyes slowly. When she saw Nan Rong Huai'an, Feng Sufei didn't return.

I don't understand why I saw him with my eyes open.

Feng Sufei shouted subconsciously: "South Rong Huaian!"

The name shouted in the subconscious, so alienated, with apathy.

Because during the day, Feng Sufei did a lot of psychological work for herself, so she now removes Nan Rong Huai'an in her subconscious mind, and only treats him as a cooperative person, not a close person.

Nan Rong Huaian listened to this claim, his expression moved, and his body stiffened.

But Nan Rong Huaian's emotional control has always been strong, he continued to say softly: "Awake?"

Feng Sufei looked around and rubbed her head. "I ... I am ..."

"Does your head hurt? Drink some sober soup before you can sleep well."

Feng Sufei looked at Nan Rong Huai An, and then looked around.

"You ... aren't you at the party?"

"It's over and your foot hurts. Why not say it?"

Feng Sufei heard such an interrogation, tilted her head and glanced at Nan Rong Huai'an, looking at his eyes, there seemed to be a worrying light shining inside.

Feng Sufei laughed at herself in her heart. If it was before, she might really believe such a worried look.

But now she didn't believe it, she didn't believe it at all.

She smiled softly: "It's okay, it's just a little hurt, it's not worth the fuss."

I don't know why, when listening to Feng Sufei's so indifferent words, Nan Rong Huai'an was very angry. He clutched Feng Sufei's shoulder tightly.

Feng Sufei looked at Huai'an in Nanrong in doubt. "Huai'an, it hurts my feet, not yours."

Nan Rong Huai An felt a headache like this again.

But I don't know why, he looked at Feng Sufei's lonely eyes, and suddenly all the anger subsided.

He sighed, "You need to love yourself, don't look like this."

"It's okay, my foot hurts slightly."

For Feng Sufei, it was really a minor injury.

At first, when she was the queen, when she died, but she really bleed a lot of blood, that was really painful.

And watching all his subordinates sacrificed to protect her, the pain in his heart could not be described at all.

What a swollen foot!

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