Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sufei will be able to think of things and explain her inner plans.

As for contacting other families and the united front, she still needs to think about it carefully and think about a comprehensive plan.

But before Feng Sufei listed the complete plan, South Rong Huai'an would go to the North and South border to direct the war.

When Feng Sufei received the news, Nanrong Huaian had already gone to the junction.

Feng Sufei did not hesitate to decide to go to Nanrong Huaian.

"Grandma, it's dangerous there. The young master explained it. Let's protect your safety."

"Grandma, you can't take risks. Young Master is afraid of you, so I didn't tell you."

"Grandma, don't make us embarrassed. Young Master said your safety is important."

"Ma'am, don't make us embarrassed ..."


Everyone was preventing Feng Sufei from going to Nanrong Huaian.

It is also because Nan Rong Huaian explained that everyone must obey the younger grandmother and protect the safety of the younger grandmother.

Feng Sufei looked at everyone's firm look, and was helpless.

"Where is Nan Rong Huai'an, where am I going, and he is in danger. How can I be selfish and only care about my own safety? You are all off, I will go and I will explain to him.

"Grandma, offended!"

The big guys all stopped Feng Sufei, especially the shadow guards of the Nan Rong family stood by.

Feng Sufei looked at it. She had some headaches. Hundreds of movie guards, Nan Rong Huaian, were really prepared.

Feng Sufei had no choice but to turn back to the room.

She took out her cell phone and called Nan Rong Huaian.

But after two phone calls, no one answered, Feng Sufei's heart tightened with concern.

She squeezed her hands tightly.

Feng Sufei's face turned pale, and her head began to think wildly, her hands shaking slightly.

Not that she was uneasy, but that she knew how fierce Si Jushen was. What would happen if she shot directly at Nan Rong Huai An?

Feng Sufei continued to call.

After making six phone calls, Feng Sufei was crying, and she felt her heart tremble.

When she stood up, she rushed out and went to Nanrong Huaian.

Just then, her cell phone rang.

Feng Sufei hurriedly picked up her mobile phone. When she saw that Nan Rong Huaian had called, she hurried to pick it up.

Because Feng Sufei's mood was unstable before, this voice would tremble a little, "Huai'an, are you?"

As soon as she heard the voice, Nan Rong Huai An was worried about Feng Sufei. She thought her voice was all wrong. "Su Fei, what's wrong with you?"

Feng Sufei took a deep breath and worked hard to control her emotions. She did not let herself leak her inner emotions. "I just called you and you haven't answered. I'm very worried. After all, it's dangerous to burn fire from the border."

"I just directed the battle outside. I didn't bring this cell phone. Let me tell you another command number. If you are at the border, you can contact me ..."

Nan Rong Huaian worked hard to soothe the mood of Feng Sufei, and Feng Sufei's voice really made him distressed.

But he couldn't come to Feng Sufei immediately to care for him, and there were still battles to command.

In any case, the military forces of the Si family cannot be allowed to invade the northern region. One generation will invade and the north will be chaotic.

"Huai'an, shall I go to you?"

"Sophie, obedient. It's too dangerous here. You're here. I'm not at ease."

"But if you forget, I will work hard and help you."

"But Su Fei, this is a real battle between the two armies, not a killer's assassination, not an assassination, but a real battle of tens of thousands of sergeants, even hundreds of thousands."

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