Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sufei knows that when she confronts Si Jue, she always remembers those blood, and always makes hatred occupy her mind.

At that time, there was too much suffocation and too much darkness in her heart.

Those were some emotions she couldn't resolve.

But every time, as long as she stayed in the arms of Nan Rong Huai'an and listened to his gentle voice, her heart would calm down slowly.

Feng Sufei had to admit that Nan Rong Huai'an had a great influence on her.

Although she did not kill Si Jueshen, she is in a good mood now, because Nan Rong Huai'an's legs are completely good, and she is still so distressed by his concern. Feng Sufei calmed down at this moment, she was anxious to be in Nanrong Huaian's arms.

When she closed her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly she smelled a different smell, bloody.

Feng Sufei's face changed. She hurriedly came out of Nanrong Huaian's arms. She looked down, and Nanrong Huaian's chest was stained with blood.

The charming red color scared Feng Sufei.

Her hands trembled and covered the place, "What to do, what to do, you're bleeding ..."

Feng Sufei was very scared and flustered at this moment, she couldn't think at all.

"Huai'an ..."

Feng Sufei blinked to look at Nan Rong Huai An, tears appeared in the corners of her eyes, and her voice shook slightly.

Feng Sufei would have had a psychological shadow when she saw the red blood. After all, when she died as a queen, all she saw was the ground stained with red blood, as well as those of her subordinates ...

So when she suddenly saw Nan Rong Huaian like this, she was really frightened, her eyes were red, and her whole body was shaking.

Nan Rong Huai'an looked down at his body, just focusing on the distressed Feng Sufei, and did not notice the change in his body.

He said lightly: "Don't worry, the wound is cracked, it's fine."

Feng Sufei shook her head and cried with tears: "You still said it was okay, the wounds were cracking. Call the doctor ..."

Feng Sufei said she was about to run out.

But Nan Rong Huai'an suddenly held his arm.

Feng Sufei looked at Nanrong Huaian in a puzzled manner.

Nan Rong Huai'an has very strong endurance. Even if the wound is cracked and painful, he has only a pale face and a free look.

He reached out and gently wiped the tears in the corner of Feng Sufei's eyes. "I'll just make a phone call, stay with me and don't go anywhere."

As soon as Feng Sufei left his sight, he was not at ease.

So it's better to watch around.

Feng Sufei nodded hard. "Hurry up and call the doctor. As long as you're fine, I won't go anywhere."

Feng Sufei really didn't know what to do at this time. She was really worried and scared.

She bit her lip with her teeth, completely blame.

She blame herself. If it weren't for her, Nan Rong Huaian's wound wouldn't have cracked?

Nan Rong Huaian didn't care about the wound because he knew it was all right, but he looked at Feng Sufei and cried, but his heart was hurt.

In his impression, Feng Sufei is so strong, sometimes even incapable.

When she was uncomfortable, her eyes became red and she did not shed tears.

At this moment, he let him see the tears in her eyes, "Is it for me?"

Feng Sufei didn't know what Nan Rong Huaian meant, and she wiped her eyes. "Hurry up and call the doctor, hurry up."

"You don't cry."

"I didn't cry. I didn't cry. I won't cry."

Feng Sufei said. Suddenly she suddenly burst into tears?

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