Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sufei can also realize that since Nanrong Huaian rescued her on the battlefield, her feelings towards Nanrong Huaian have taken another level.

In addition, Nan Rong Huai An will bleed when she is injured and bleeds.

Therefore, there have been many changes in her mind.

She thought for a while, then took a deep breath, got up and changed clothes.

When she changed clothes, she could not help thinking about how Nanrong Huaian changed her clothes.

Thinking about it, Feng Sufei's face started to turn red again.

She quickly shook her head and quickly got up to wash.

After she finished washing, the fragrance was already in the room.

Feng Sufei would feel that she was really hungry and wanted to eat a lot.

She hopped and ran towards Nan Rong Huaian.

Nan Rong Huaian reached out and hugged her, "Slow down, don't fall."

"You've told me many times."

"I told you so many times, do you remember?"

Feng Sufei deliberately said to Nan Rong Huaian, "I'm really hungry."

"Okay, eat."

At breakfast, Nan Rong Huaian also took care of Feng Sufei.

Feng Sufei took a few sips, her eyes brightened, "Today's breakfast is very fragrant, it's better than before, and the taste is different."

"If it's delicious, eat more, but don't hold it up."


After having breakfast, Nan Rong Huai'an went to deal with the post-war affairs. She was bored and walked away. After meeting several Nan Rong Huai's subordinates, she realized that breakfast was actually made by Nan Rong Huai'an.

Hearing this news, Feng Sufei was really moved.

It turned out that he really cooked her.

In fact, from the beginning of entering the Nan Rong family, she really did not expect that she would get so much in Nan Rong Huaian later.

He is willing to cook for her.

"Little grandma, the subordinates have never seen the young master cook in the past few years, and only when the main mother was still there, the young master would cook for his mother. After that, the young master never paid for it again. Too. "

"Yes, grandma, the subordinates can see that the young master really likes grandma very much."

"The young master knows what young grandma likes and what he doesn't like. He cooks according to young grandma's taste."


Feng Sufei listened to everyone's words, her eyebrows became soft and warm, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

She feels that although there is cold wind and some coldness today, the sun is bright and her heart is warm.

It was Nan Rong Huai An that warmed her heart.

It seems that the wounds used to be the Queen, and the wound may heal.

She felt that by the side of Nanrong Huaian, she gradually felt the warmth.

In fact, Feng Sufei's grandmother was worried at first. It made sense. Feng Sufei still had too little emotional experience. She was so cherished, so cherished that she was easily involved in a relationship.

It's easy to believe someone and cherish a relationship.

If she can meet someone who cherishes her, Su Fei will be happy.

What if I get hurt again?

At this time Feng Sufei didn't think about anything, she just felt that Nan Rong Huai'an gave her warmth and saved her.

Nan Rong Huai'an also really distressed Feng Sufei and was good to her.

Nan Rong Huai An knew Feng Su Fei's goodness, so he cherished it, and treated Feng Su Fei in his way.

If the people of the Nan Rong family expected it, their young owner and young grandmother would love and have a good relationship.

After a day of rest, when Nan Rong Huaian returned at night, Feng Sufei made a table dinner, which was very rich, all made according to the taste of Nan Rong Huaian.

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