Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sufei heard such a long sigh, and her heart followed, she took a sigh, tightened her hand with her pen, and looked up at Nan Rong Huai'an with some confusion.

She did not understand why Nan Rong Huaian sighed.

But when she looked at the eyes of Shangnan Ronghuai'an, she could see the distress inside.


Feng Sufei blinked, sure she was right.

Nan Rong Huaian didn't speak, but just got up and left the study.

Feng Sufei looked at the back of Nan Rong Huai An and blinked, not knowing why, her eyes were a bit sour.

Feng Sufei is actually a person who is particularly sensitive emotionally.

It's actually very fragile.

At this moment, she put down her pen, her face tense, her heart trembling.

She was thinking, did she say something wrong?

But even if Nan Rong Huaian was unwilling, she had to convince him.

She was ready to convince everyone.

If that doesn't work, she may have to restore her queen's identity, but she has to do it in a special way.

The fine work in the royal house must be removed before that.

Restore the Queen. She can call the Royal Shadow Guard. The Queen's Talisman has a calling power and can call for a lot of power.

Queen War Talisman, only the real Queen can be activated.

So even if she was killed by Si Jushen at the beginning, Si Jushen did not get this part of power.

The queen system of country H can exist for so long, and it can't stand. Naturally, it has a solid system that cannot be broken by anyone.

And it is not easy for outsiders to usurp power.

Feng Sufei thought for a while, her eyes were getting colder and colder, her hand holding the pen was also tense and tight.

At this moment, even if Feng Sufei was sitting, there was a noble breath on her body.

This kind of style Su Fei is noble and immaculate, the whole person's aura can cover the entire study.

When Nan Rong Huaian came in, he saw this kind of style.

Nan Rong Huaian's eyes flashed.

He knew that Feng Sufei would become a weak little girl in front of him, but she was strong and stubborn and had a toughness.

She is Yingxue's plum, with a proud style.

Feng Sufei was thinking about things and walking away, but when she heard footsteps, she turned to see that Nan Rong Huai An had returned.

I don't know why, when she saw Nan Rong Huaian return to the study, she felt that the flowers in her heart were all open, and she had a very bright feeling.

As if the mood has changed for the better.

Nan Rong Huaian's influence on her is so great, even if she doesn't admit it, her heart will become bright and bright when she sees him.

Nan Rong Huai'an came over Feng Sufei's sight, took Feng Sufei's hand, and put the glass in her hand. "Speaking for so long, aren't you thirsty? Drink some water."

Feng Sufei looked down at the glass. The water in the glass was still hot.

"It's warm, right."

Hearing Nan Rong Huai'an's words, Feng Sufei looked up, "For ... why?"

Feng Sufei has many reasons in her heart, but she doesn't know which one to ask.

She wondered, what did Nan Rong Huai'an really think, did he agree or disagree?

Nan Rong Huaian sighed, "Su Fei, do you still forget what I said, or are you not trusting me enough?"

Feng Sufei hurriedly explained, "No, I believe you so much, that's why I told you this."

Nan Rong Huai An put his hands on the table, and just stood looking down at Feng Su Fei, locked her eyes. "Su Fei, remember what I said? I will support whatever you do, do you think I will object?"

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