Young Master Jun’s 100 Techniques to Spoil His Wife

Chapter 1390: Because she is the queen

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In fact, Feng Sufei watched everyone applaud, but also had an urge to cry.

She was actually moved, because these heirs were willing to think about country h.

I can convince them because they have state-owned homes.

If they are purely selfish for personal or family interests, they may not reach an agreement so harmoniously, or they may not sign the alliance agreement so quickly.

So Feng Sufei also thank you all.

Everyone admired her and felt that she was fraternal. In fact, they did not know that she was the queen in her bones.

She was born to think and prepare for country h.

Later, when she regains her queen status, they may be even more shocked.

Thinking, Feng Sufei's mouth raised a brighter smile.

The smile is so beautiful, people are amazing.

When the meeting was over, Feng Sufei shook hands with everyone one by one.

It's all a polite handshake.

When Yingdao Li shakes hands with Feng Sufei at night, he feels that his fingers are slender and silky, and he has a feeling of not wanting to let go.

Yingdao Liye realized Feng Sufei's enthusiasm for Feng Sufei when she held Feng Sufei's hand.

Not to appreciate, but to really like it.

With her so close, his heart was beating fast, and his beating speed accelerated, letting him understand how true his feelings for this woman were.

Ying Dao Li Li looked at Feng Sufei, only to think that all the women he knew before could not compare with her.

This woman let him convince her from her heart.

When he looked at her, his eyes were so deep and complicated, with affection.

Feng Sufei originally politely shook hands with Yingdao Liye, but did not expect to hold it for a while, Yingdao Liye did not let go.

Feng Sufei slightly looked up at Sakura Road leaving the night, but met his eyes with peach blossom eyes, there was some deep eyes, and the emotion inside made her incomprehensible.

"Master Sakurado?"

As soon as Feng Sufei talked, Sakurado returned to the night, and even if she did not let go, she let go of Feng Sufei's hand. He smiled slightly, and Peach Blossom blinked, with thousands of styles.

"You were really great just now."

Feng Sufei smiled elegantly, "You are also very good. Thank you for your willingness to be alliance and be willing to believe me."

"No, we, as members of the H State University family, don't have the comprehensiveness you consider as a woman, and you don't have such fraternity."

Feng Sufei smiled mysteriously, "One day you will know why I did this."

Feng Sufei sold a key, and she would not say about her queen's identity, even Nan Rong Huai An, she would not say.

Because of the secrets of the royal family, she really couldn't tell anyone, including Nan Rong Huai An.

She dreamed of her grandmother when she was so sleepy.

The grandmother emphasized her many times, so that she would not say it.

And when her grandmother was alive, let her guarantee it again and again.

Therefore, Si absolutely did not know about those secrets and many secrets of the royal family of h.

No one knows, including mobilizing the true royal shadow of the royal family and the troop of strength.

Feng Sufei's eyes flickered. When she regained her queen status, everyone would know why she stopped this alliance.

There is also a guarantee she made in the league that these channels will be opened for everyone when she regains her queen status.

The promulgated policies will always benefit these families.

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