Young Master Jun’s 100 Techniques to Spoil His Wife

Chapter 1395: She belongs to the royal palace

Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Huang Ying is a totally trustworthy person.

After confirming Huang Ying's identity, Feng Sufei didn't need to conceal anything.

At this moment, her inner feelings are actually complicated.

She felt a step closer to the palace.

As if it were tangible, as long as she was willing to announce it, she would restore the queen's identity.

Looking at the emperor's shadow, not far away from the palace, Feng Sufei's eyes flashed too much emotion.

She had many memories in her mind as a queen, so many scenes, so many experiences.

It turned out she really belonged to this palace.

She missed a lot of people, the once hilarious royal palace, and the many flowers she had planted.

Now that the palace has been abandoned for three years, many things no longer exist?

Feng Sufei closed her eyes and blocked some uncontrollable emotions under her eyes.

She was excited.

Feng Sufei's hands on the sides were holding tightly.

Huang Ying has been standing quietly, just like the real shadow.

But he was beside, Feng Sufei had a strong sense of security in his heart.

She knew that Huang Ying was the one she could totally trust and rely on.

He will never betray her.

Huang Ying is a more trusted existence than Nan Rong Huaian.

Feng Sufei knew this fact rationally all the time.

After a long while, Feng Sufei took a deep breath, calmed her emotions, and walked step by step to the Emperor Ying.

She was close.

Feng Sufei blinked to explore the look of Huang Ying.

But Huang Ying really just showed a pair of eyes, so that Feng Sufei couldn't see anything at all.

Feng Sufei is actually a little girl in her bones, and sometimes she is a bit naughty.

Does she think that a person with such beautiful eyes should be very beautiful?

"Huangying, can I see how you look?"

"Sorry, Her Majesty."

Feng Sufei looked at Huang Ying's eyes and listened to his words, knowing she couldn't.

This may be the royal rule.

Feng Sufei realized that she might be abrupt.

She took a step back, and then firmly held Huang Ying's hand, "Huang Ying, in the future, I want you to stay with me and retake that position. You are the one I can trust and rely on."

Feng Sufei felt that Huang Ying's body seemed to be slightly rigid after she held Huang Ying's hand.

She actually told him in this way that she had high hopes for him.

Huang Ying said earnestly and loyally: "The subordinates will live up to the expectations of the queen, and the subordinates will use their strength to support the queen."

Feng Sufei nodded, relieved.

In country h, the presence of the emperor's shadow and the effective loyalty of the queen force, she can let go and do something.

Next, Feng Sufei and Huang Ying said a lot of things.

Like chatting, she talked a lot about Feng Sufei's affairs, and also talked about many queen's memories.

Huang Ying has been listening quietly, and has not spoken from beginning to end. He has remained silent.

Feng Sufei actually didn't know if Huang Ying heard it.

She may be thinking too much, just want to talk.

But there are some things that she cannot tell Nan Rong Huai An.

But Huang Ying knew her identity and was the head of the Queen's exclusive shadow. She didn't have to worry about it, she could trust it completely, it didn't matter what she said.

Because the emperor's shadow is the emperor's alone, he won't say anything.

Feng Sufei doesn't really care if Huang Ying can understand or listen to her. She just wants to say it, even if she is speaking to the air, that is to vent the pressure in her heart.

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