Young Master Jun’s 100 Techniques to Spoil His Wife

Chapter 1400: Uncontrollable cold heart

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Feng Sufei really didn't expect Huang Ying to come here.

Just now Feng Sufei's whole body was cold and cold, with a bloodthirsty murderous spirit. At this time when facing the shadow of the emperor, the cold air had all converged and the smile became brighter.

Because she was facing Huang Ying, he was her most trusted person.

Huang Ying stood beside her, and Feng Sufei had a very safe feeling.

This sense of security is different from what she felt from Nan Rong Huaian.

At this moment she thought about it, the feeling that Nan Rong Huaian gave her was still a little bit empty.

The feeling that Huang Ying gave her was real.

When she was the most dangerous, Huang Ying appeared in front of her.

Although Feng Sufei had just seen the Emperor's Shadow, he felt special to her.

Therefore, in the face of the Emperor Shadow, Feng Sufei will also involuntarily converge and relax.

In addition, the kung fu and ability of Huang Ying just made Feng Sufei really shine.

He deserves to be the queen's emperor's shadow. He has great ability, and he is so cool.

He didn't seem to kill, but showed the most perfect action.

Huang Ying looked at Feng Sufei without any problems, and whispered: "His queen has no protection around her, and her subordinates are not assured."

In just one sentence, Feng Sufei was touched a little.

This is the person who cares most about her.

"Huangying, thank you."

Perhaps except for a thank you, Feng Sufei didn't know what to say to express her heart's emotion at this moment.

In her sorrow, when she thought she was really dead, and when she thought she was lonely, the emperor's shadow appeared.

Maybe Huang Ying didn't know what he meant to her.

At this moment, Feng Sufei was certain that Huang Ying was very important.

Huang Ying blinked in the night, "This is what his subordinates should do."

Feng Sufei smelled blood and looked at Huang Ying: "Who are these people, how can they be assassinated again and again? When I came to Yuncheng last time, I also encountered an assassination, this time again."

To be honest, Feng Sufei is not the kind of person who depends on others, but at this moment, she still thinks of Nan Rong Huai An, and her heart is slightly cold.

She remembered that Nan Rong Huai'an had said that he would not make her dangerous again.

But where is he at this moment?

Is he still smoking with that Ziwan?

Feng Sufei thought, her lips clenched tightly.

In any case, when people are in danger and when they are vulnerable, they always want to see the person in their heart for the first time.

But after all, is she still greedy?

Where is the heart of Nan Rong Huaian?

Did Nan Rong Huai'an speak to her seriously?

Now that I want to come, Nan Rong Huaian didn't actually promise her anything, didn't tell her love, and didn't say her feelings for her.

They just had close contact and became real couples.

In addition, Nan Rong Huaian also gave her respect and status.

But women are really greedy in love.

Heroes save beauty, in fact, it is really a heart-warming story.

But at this moment, Nanrong Huaian did not show up.

His people did not show up.

Although she ran out by herself, although she didn't like being watched, but ... she still had extravagant hope and expectation.

She knew that her thoughts at this moment were a bit unreasonable, but she couldn't control it, and her uncontrollable heart became cold and went to blame Nanrong Huaian.

If Nan Rong Huai'an had not seen Zi Wanxun, she had not seen it.

At this moment, no matter how dangerous she was, she would not think too much.

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