Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Nan Rong Huaian sat down and just wanted to get close to Feng Sufei.

If she hasn't slept yet, he wants to ask if she was injured? Are you in danger?

Perhaps, Nan Rong Huaian really has too much to tell her.

But for a while, I didn't know how to speak.

He was worried that Feng Sufei was asleep. He could see that she was really tired today, and he didn't want to wake her up.

In fact, as soon as Nanrong Huaian entered the house, Feng Sufei knew.

Nan Rong Huai'an sat beside the bed, and his elegant atmosphere could be shrouded around Feng Sufei.

Feng Sufei's heart tightened involuntarily. Her body was tense, but she didn't turn her head. She just turned her back to Nan Rong Huaian, didn't speak, and pretended to be asleep.

She didn't know what Nan Rong Huaian was going to do.

Feng Sufei felt that her body was stiff, and she could not turn around if she wanted to turn around.

After a long time, Nan Rong Huaian sighed and left the bedroom.

As soon as Nan Rong Huai'an left the bedroom, Feng Sufei suddenly sat up.

She looked at the closed door, thinking of the sigh of Nan Rong Huai An just now, and it was very unpleasant.

She didn't want to hurt anyone, nor did she want to be like Nan Rong Huaian.

But why did Nan Rong Huai An meet the woman and why did she hide it from her?

She couldn't ask, she could only be an ostrich.

Feng Sufei looked at the door all the time, her eyes turned red.

After a while, she lay down again and looked at the ceiling so she would not cry.

Feng Sufei was tired and lying asleep.

By the time she woke up again, it was already midnight.

Feng Sufei looked up at the bedroom, and there was no Nan Rong Huaian.

Feng Sufei couldn't help worrying, where did he go? Why didn't you come back to bed so late?

Feng Sufei could not help but go to the living room to see.

In any case, even if the heart is awkward, Feng Sufei is worried about Nan Rong Huai An and can't help thinking about him.

She was used to sleeping with him by his side, in his arms, smelling his breath.

But the living room does not have Nanrong Huaian.

But the kitchen seemed to be busy.

Feng Sufei walked in and found out that Liu Ye was the servant of the Nan Rong family.

"Liu Ye? Why are you here?"

Liu Ye was making dumplings, heard the sound, and looked back, "Grandma woke up? I was sent by a special plane to bring you over, saying that you love to eat my dumplings, you have no appetite tonight, I am afraid of you I ca n’t eat well. Actually, the young master made a table of dishes by himself, but now it ’s cold. You wake up and I will warm you up. ”

Feng Sufei's expression moved, her heart was touched, slightly moved.

She reflected on herself for a moment, was she too wayward?

In fact, Nan Rong Huaian didn't do anything, did she suffer too much?

Feng Sufei reflected on the meeting, looking faint.

Liu Ye was still talking about himself, "Ma'am, I haven't seen a young man who has hurt someone so much. He really cares about you and is worried about you. When I came, I could see that he was right You care ... "

Listening to Liu Ye's words, Feng Sufei's heart warmed slightly.

She couldn't help but look for Nan Rong Huai'an, Liu Ye said, "The young master said it was waiting for you to wake up for dinner. I saw him go to the study."

Feng Sufei nodded, then went to Nan Rong Huai An in the study of the suite.

When she walked in gently, she saw that Nan Rong Huaian was busy at the table, still so elegant and noble, but his figure was slightly lonely.

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