Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sufei's mood fluctuated for a while.

Feng Sufei's appearance made Nan Rong Huai's heart tremble. "Su Fei, what's the matter with you?"

"It's nothing, it just feels like if you were such a little girl when you were a teenager, you wouldn't forget it."

Nan Rong Huai'an didn't understand the meaning in Feng Sufei's words, he just touched her hair gently, "There are no little girls, only you now."

Nan Rong Huai'an was a word of comfort to Feng Sufei, but Feng Sufei listened, her heart sank and her face was slightly rigid.

She didn't want Nan Rong Huai An to see what happened, and smiled and said, "This villa, when you were a teenager, did other teenagers come?"

"Few people come here, it's just another house of the Nan Rong family, and the city is the land of the palace. The Nan Rong family always has a house in this city."

Feng Sufei nodded, she thought she remembered it correctly. Did Nan Rong Huaian forget it?

But now listening to these words of Nan Rong Huai An, many words in her heart swallowed back.

If it weren't for Nan Rong Huai'an, she said that those memories of childhood were useless.

If Nan Rong Huai'an had forgotten, even if she said, Nan Rong Huai'an might not remember it.

Nan Rong Huai'an brought Feng Sufei here. After Feng Sufei put down her things and packed them, she went shopping around.

Coming here, those memories of childhood really became very clear.

There was a tree there, and she remembered that in the sunny weather, the pretty brother held her on his lap and sat, told her a story, and taught her to paint.

There was also a fairy tale at that time, "Pretty brother, are you my prince?"

"My little princess, want your brother to be your prince?"

"Well, my brother is just like the prince in the story. He looks good and treats me well. Will he always treat me well?"

"Well, my brother will be your prince, protect you and be nice to you."


Many, many memories, Feng Sufei felt slightly, walked under the tree, looked up at the sky, as if back to childhood time.

At that time, it was carefree, and that time was a wonderful time in her memory.

It's a pity that who that brother is, she still doesn't know.

Maybe I really forgot.

Tongyan is jealous. Maybe they think that what children say when they are young may not be true, but in fact children sometimes speak very seriously.

As soon as Feng Sufei was feeling, she heard a voice on her phone.

Feng Sufei picked up her phone and saw some key news.

Feng Sufei looked at the news, Qingmei's eyes flashed a light.

Because of the establishment of the alliance agreement, the major families have now taken measures to impose sanctions against the family from all sides.

No matter whether it is political, economic, or military, major families have begun to attack the Si family.

Even if the Si family had nine heads and six arms, it could not resist such a menacing attack.

So Feng Sufei watched the news in recent days and was in a good mood.


Both the head of the family and the master of the family were starting to burn out.

Because of political, economic, military, and public opinion, all attacks were so unexpected that they were caught off guard.

Politically, the officials who were placed in various official positions by the Si Family were thoroughly investigated, and the problems of style, style, and abuse of their powers were revealed online.

These people were dismissed because of public opinion.

In addition, the economy and various industries of Sijia have been impacted, and many competitors have begun to emerge in the market. They began to deal with Sijia with a strong capital chain.

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