Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

But apparently, Fang Xiaoxiao thought wrong, and Feng Sufei really seemed to be in love and in a relationship.

She knew that Nan Rong Huai'an restored her legs and restored her face. It was truly glorious, unparalleled, noble, with such looks, with her own background, with her ability background, and with her elegance ...

Too many beautiful words cannot describe everything that Nanrong Huai'an is about.

Such a man is indeed poisonous and makes people crazy.

Feng Sufei gets along with such people day and night, being cared for and cared for, it's really hard to be attentive.

But Nan Rong Huai'an will always protect Feng Sufei and care for Feng Sufei?

Can he treat Feng Sufei well even when she regains her queen status?

She also knew Fang Xiaoxiao. At the time, Nan Rong Huai'an did not want to have any contact with the Queen. At the time, he chose Zi Wanxun.

So Fang Xiaoxiao really couldn't help worrying about Feng Sufei.

Feng Sufei looked at Fang Xiaoxiao's blushing face and said, "Xiao Xiao, you don't have to worry about me. I used to think that I would not love anymore, and I would not trust anyone anymore, but then I found out that love is actually It can make people happy and happy. People should not be ruthless and righteous. Being affectionate and righteous will make you do things more sensibly. I think the sky is still sunny. "

Yes, Feng Sufei once thought that she had no feelings, so she was actually a little vulgar at that time. Her eyes only had hatred, and sometimes she felt that her heart was filled with hatred.

At that time, she was not happy. Many times, as long as she looked at Si Jushen, there was a bloodthirsty urge.

But Nan Rong Huai'an gave her a tenderness. Maybe after she had feelings in her heart, her heart was a little more beautiful and her reason suppressed the hatred.

When she was thinking about things, she was less impulsive.

Even if she wanted to take revenge on Si Ju, she would first learn to protect herself before setting up a strict plan.

Moreover, Nan Rong Huai'an has given her a lot of convenience, allowing her to use the rights of the Nan Rong family to do a lot of things.

So in fact, it is not wrong to be willing to believe in love.

Fang Xiaoxiao listened to Feng Sufei's words, looked at her happy, and her heart beat a few times.

She knew that Feng Sufei was right.

But what if it hurts? That's not more painful.

However, she also hoped that Feng Sufei would be happy.

If you are happy, you will not be controlled by hatred.

Fang Xiaoxiao reached out and held Feng Sufei's hand, "Su Fei, Nan Rong Huaian, is he really sincere to you?"

"I can feel it. He should be sincere to me."


These two words should make Fang Xiaoxiao uncomfortable.

She feels sorry for Feng Sufei. Why is she always so good, so willing to believe in beauty, and love others with a beautiful heart.

Such a style Su Fei should really be treated most tenderly.

If anyone hurts Feng Sufei, she is the first to spare.

Fang Xiaoxiao's teeth creaked at this time, as if he was going to sharpen his sword, and threatened Nan Rong Huai An to be good to Feng Sufei.

Feng Sufei smiled and patted Fang Xiaoxiao's back. "I got a lot, don't worry, you go back and follow our plan. I will meet Dong Yatong to see what she will do and say Only by knowing ourselves and knowing one another can we be warless. "

Fang Xiaoxiao looked at Feng Sufei's firm look, then nodded, "I will send someone to protect you, and there are our people in the clubhouse."

ps: (Dear friends, today's ten chapters are more complete. Ha, ask for rewards, subscriptions, monthly tickets, recommended tickets, and various message support. Dear friends are my motivation, cherish every support, support, and motivation , I will try to update the ten chapters every day, huh?

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