Young Master Jun’s 100 Techniques to Spoil His Wife

Chapter 1421: Too underestimated her!

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Dong Yatong's teeth fluttered, and she stared at Feng Sufei with wide eyes.

Even if you want to kill, you can't say it so blatantly.

Feng Sufei drinking tea elegantly, looking at Dong Yatong, "Ms. Dong, are you afraid?"

"You can't kill Si Sishen, you can't kill him."

"He killed the queen, and one paid his life. Why can't I kill him?"

Dong Yatong said excitedly: "What do you know? You don't know anything, you don't know anything, you can't kill him, you can't kill him ..."

Feng Sufei narrowed her eyes, she stood up, and walked to Dong Yatong step by step. "Tell me why you can't kill, tell me, who was involved in killing the queen, was it you?"

Dong Yatong was forced back a few steps by Feng Sufei's murderous horror.

She almost got a soft leg and was sitting on the ground.

At this moment, she found out that Feng Sufei, a woman, might really have her own skills, and she was so frightened that she drummed in her heart.

At this moment, she felt that Feng Sufei was going to kill her.

Feng Sufei thought that killing Dong Yatong was actually boring.

After Dong Yatong squatted on the ground, Feng Sufei crouched down and took out a dagger to compare Dong Yatong's neck.

"Come here ..."

"Do n’t call it. It ’s all my own. No one is here. Be careful that my dagger does n’t have long eyes and cuts your face. I said, Miss Dong, are you stupid, really calling me alone? "

"No, I brought a bodyguard. The clubhouse is our property for the winter family."

Feng Sufei smiled, "It doesn't matter, I'm surrounded by people now."

"The Nan Rong family didn't send anyone around, how could you have anyone?"

Dong Yatong is not stupid. She is prepared, and the clubhouse is the property of the Dong family. She also brings bodyguards, so she will invite Feng Sufei here.

She did not expect such a change.

Feng Sufei looked at Dong Yatong just like a fool. She patted Dong Yatong's face with her other hand. "I said Miss Dong, you really look down on me. If I don't have the ability, I can Entering the Nan Rong family can become the young grandmother of the Nan Rong family, recognized by everyone, and also help Nan Rong Huaian win the war? "

Feng Sufei said that Dong Yatong also made sense.

She looked at Feng Sufei in fear, her face pale.

"I won't kill you, I'll kill you a hundred times, I will let you watch the changes in the country h, watch the changes in the Si family, don't let me know that the death of the queen is really related to you, I won't let you go, let it go home's."

"what are you going to do?"

"Everything that hurts me, I have to get it back."

After speaking, Feng Sufei seemed to think of something, and said, "No, how do you know that the Nan Rong family didn't send someone around me?"

Dong Yatong bit her lip without opening her mouth.

Feng Sufei's dagger moved, "Don't say, you still have this face? Si Jueshen should like people with beautiful faces, right?"

At this moment, Dong Yatong naturally thought of Li Qingyan, and those who were satirized still explained, "It was Zi Wanxun, Zi Wanxun told me."

"Ziwan smoked?"

This name made Feng Sufei's face suddenly change, and her hand shook, and she almost broke Dong Yatong's face.

"You ... don't be impulsive ... don't you have a small influence on you?"

Feng Sufei's eyes sharpened. "What kind of moth does this woman want to fix?"

"Zi Wanxun said nothing, but just told me that you are not protected by the Nan Rong family, so ..."

Feng Sufei shouted, "So, do you think Zi Wanxun will replace me?"

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