Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sufei didn't think about it, and she was not enthusiastic, she was very calm, and she didn't want to talk.

If Nan Rong Huaian speaks, she doesn't know what to answer.

When she faced Nan Rong Huai'an, she had a very empty mind, a quiet heart, no enthusiasm, and a sense of exhaustion, so she closed her eyes and stopped talking for a while. But she never expected that Nan Rong Huaian would take the initiative to hold her hand.

For a moment, Feng Sufei's hand stiffened and shook slightly.

If she doesn't move, she can prove that she is asleep.

But her hands moved uncontrollably, she could no longer pretend to sleep, she could only open her eyes to look at Nan Rong Huai An.

The moment she opened her eyes, she met Nan Rong Huai An's deep and deep eyes, so deep, as if all people were to be involved.

For a moment, Feng Sufei couldn't help trembling in her heart, locked by his eyes, she felt a charm.

But Feng Sufei quickly, took a deep breath, quickly shifted her eyes away, and did not look at Nan Rong Huaian's eyes, so she was not attracted by his look, and there would not be any emotional fluctuations.

She remained calm.

However, looking down, Feng Sufei saw the hand held by Nan Rong Huai'an in his palm.

Her hands curled up, she tried to pull them out, but felt it was inappropriate.

She suddenly kept her distance from Nan Rong Huai'an, and Nan Rong Huai'an would definitely doubt it.

But she didn't want to talk to Nan Rong Huai'an now because of Zi Wanxun, because of that assassination, it was stiff.

She had to think about how to ask.

In the end, Feng Sufei still didn't pull her hand out, she closed her eyes again.

It was so obvious that Nan Rong Huai'an looked at her like this. When Feng Sufei faced him, it only changed in one day, as if she had become two people.

Makes his heart a little barren, he doesn't even know what to do, or even what happened.

But Nan Rong Huaian did not let go of Feng Sufei's hand along the way.

As if holding it like this, Feng Sufei is right next to him, just like the palm of his hand.

Although the two people held their hands, they looked different and were thinking about their own things.

Nan Rong Huai'an couldn't contact Feng Sufei because of rain, so people asked where Feng Sufei had gone.

He knew that Feng Sufei met her good friends Fang Xiaoxiao and Dong Yatong today.

Fang Xiaoxiao will not have any problems, so the problem lies with Dong Yatong?

Does it have anything to do with the family?

However, the Si family is now in a variety of passive situations, attacked by major families, and they are too busy to take care of themselves. It is impossible to sort out anything.

That is Dong Yatong this woman has a problem.

Nan Rong Huai'an looked condensed, and his eyes flashed with mist like light. He pondered for a while, and waves appeared in his heart. Because of the style of Feng Sufei, Nan Rong Huai's mood was not good.

He quietly sent a message to a subordinate with one hand, and let Dong Yatong ask her what she said.

Although Dong Yatong is Miss Dong's, she is really worth mentioning in front of Feng Sufei, who cares about Nan Rong Huaian.

In order to understand Feng Sufei's emotions, Nanrong Huaian directly made Dong Yatong catch.

After reading the news, some of the members of the Nan Rong family blinked fiercely. How could the young master issue such an instruction?

Is this the young master who is calm and steady in the matter?

Sure enough, when he met Grandma Young, the young master also started to play cards unreasonably.

They took the task and naturally wanted to do it.

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