Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

When Nan Rong Huai An said the last sentence, his tone was very heavy. When he looked at Zi Wanxun, his eyes were quenched with ice, as if looking at a dead person.

Zi Wanxun listened to Nan Rong Huai'an and looked at his expression. She was really frightened. She was afraid all over with a sense of collapse, as if she was sweating coldly.

She has seen Nanrong Huaian in many ways, but she has never seen Nanrong Huaian like this.

Zi Wan smoked her mouth open and wanted to say something, but she seemed to be frozen by the ice, and she couldn't make a sound.

Her lips were shaking.

After a long while, Zi Wanxun found her voice, "Huai'an, I ... I didn't threaten you, I didn't ... I just wanted to live, live ..."

Nan Rong Huaian looked at Zi Wanxun coldly, with a sneer in his eyes, "You shall not call me that in the future."

Talking, Nan Rong Huai An came to Zi Wanxun's face, stretched out her hand to pinch her neck, and pinched it hard.

"Ahem ..."

Zi Wanxun was choked around her neck, and she couldn't breathe for a moment. She felt suffocation, her frightened complexion turned pale and her eyes widened.

She looked at Nan Rong Huai'an's eyes, and she found that she couldn't see through Nan Rong Huai'an at all, and didn't know what he was thinking.

She could feel that at this moment, Nan Rong Huaian really wanted to kill her.

Zi Wanxun was choked by fear, and her whole body began to tremble, "Help ... help ..."

When Zi Wanxun was frightened to suffocate, Nan Rong Huai An slowly loosened her neck, but did not let go. "Zi Wanxun, what was the assassination of Su Fei that you ordered you to do? But then you used the forces of the International Remnant Blood House to erase all traces. I never thought that this matter would be related to the Remnant Blood House. You have a lot of thoughts. "

Zi Wan smoked for a moment, as Nan Rong Huai An said, this was indeed her job.

She did not expect that she could not hide Nanrong Huaian.

Nan Rong Huaian's mouth evoked a bitter radian. He now understands why when Su Fei came back in those days, he looked different.

She had misunderstood him. She thought he had covered Ziwan Xun. Did he lie to her?

Thinking of this, Nan Rong Huai'an had a terrible pain, but could not resolve it.

He had a heart attack, and only Feng Sufei could save him.

Nan Rong Huaian stared at Zi Wanxun: "Since you want to kill others, don't think about living, but it will make you die, it's too cheap for you, Canxuelou will execute you in person."

Nan Rong Huai An had his bottom line in mind, and Feng Su Fei was his inverse scale, and he was bound to die.

Zi Wanxun stupidly touched his inverse scale.

Canxuelou has a habit, that is, their people, they handle it by themselves, but the means are cruel.

"No, no, the mother-in-law will not do this."

"You have done so many things while hiding the blood tower, they have violated the rules, they will do so, and because of your affairs, my Nanrong family will never have any involvement with the blood tower, you said, they What will happen to you? "

"No, no ... no ... no ..."

Zi Wanxun started shaking her head like crazy, she felt the blood in her whole body was flowing backward.

She was scared and scared. No one knew how abnormal the punishment system of Canxuelou was.

How many people she has tortured, and there are so many people holding on to the Blood Tower, she knows how terrible the punishment is.

She doesn't die, don't die, but she also doesn't go back to Canxuelou.

"Huai'an, did you forget your promise to me? Huaian, did you forget our feelings?"

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