Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

The Taishi family is a think tank, and Taishiye, as a descendant of the family, is most willing to loyal to South Ronghuai'an.

Because of South Rong Huaian's ability, it is obvious to all.

Before, he saw Feng Sufei, and later he saw all the performances of Feng Sufei.

Only such women deserve Nanrong Huaian.

Together, the Nan Rong family will be invincible.

With the Nan Rong family sitting in country h, country h is bound to have no problems.

There are no queens now, and many of them are optimistic about the Nan Rong family and want the Nan Rong family to come out and preside over the overall situation.

Before, Tai Shiye saw Nan Rong Huai'an's feelings for Feng Sufei and was very relieved.

But as soon as I turned my head, such news came out.

Feng Sufei left Nanrong family and separated from Nanrong Huaian?

Is it because Ziwan Xun smoked that woman?

Tai Shiye has a feeling of sighing in his heart, how can there be such a woman in the world, Zi Wanxun, who comes out as a demon.

When they heard this, they all had the urge to kill Zi Wanxun.

How can Nan Rong Huaian be rescued!

Feng Sufei is not the young grandma of the Nan Rong family.

No, everyone now knows that Feng Sufei was not the young grandmother of the Nan Rong family at the beginning. She and Nan Rong Huai'an also agreed for one year.

Although some news is hidden, the major families are not covered, and the news network can naturally find it.

One person knows that many people will know about it later.

Everyone is sighing in their hearts now, because no one thought that Nan Rong Huaian and Feng Sufei were such a situation.

At the time, Nan Rong Huai'an's feelings for Feng Sufei could be seen, not false.

The affection in his eyes, and the goodness to Feng Sufei, they can also see.

At the state banquet, on many occasions, he gave Feng Sufei enough power, which almost symbolized his existence and represented the Nan Rong family.

At that time, there was so much love and care, how could it be fake in a blink of an eye!

When Tai Shiye came to the Nan Rong family, he could clearly feel the Nan Rong family's house in Wucheng Belongings.

He could obviously feel the change in atmosphere, a little cold and too quiet.

Taishiye could not find Nanrong Huaian, but later found Nanrong Huaian in the wine cellar.

When he learned that Nan Rong Huai'an was in the wine cellar, Taiye was shocked.

He never thought that Nan Rong Huaian would drink in the wine cellar.

In his impression, Nan Rong Huai'an has always been self-disciplined, cleansed himself, and disciplined himself.

And never been keen on drinking.

He is always at the banquet and drinks a few glasses. Even if he drinks well, he does not drink too much.

But this time, when Tai Shiye entered the wine cellar, he smelled acrid wine.

Through the lights, he saw Nan Rong Huai'an sitting in the wine cellar.

At this time, Nan Rong Huai'an sat against the wall with one leg straight, one leg bent, one hand on the knee that bent, and the other hand holding the wine bottle.

The white shirt on his body was unbuttoned, revealing his chest, like jade as porcelain, the most charming and intoxicating.

A man of such evil spirits, at this time because of drinking some wine, with a lazy attitude, is even more captivating and charming.

Not to mention women, even a man could not help but be fascinated by it.

Tai Shiye walked over and said, "You have never been an alcoholic. How did you drink it? Look at how many bottles there are. You and ... what's the matter with Feng Sufei?"

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