Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

For a long time, Si was hard to accept the fact that he wanted to laugh without knowing that he wanted to cry.

It turned out that the only person who had ever loved him in this world was his Yaner.

It turned out that only Yaner had given him the warmth that truly belonged to him.

In this world, only those who treat him sincerely are Yaner.

But Yaner is gone and she is dead.

He can't live with her, can't live ...

At this moment, Si Jueshen really felt the pain of suffocation. This kind of pain is so painful that he might as well die.

He looked up at the sky, it was late at night, and there were many stars in the sky.

He didn't know which one belonged to Yaner.

At this moment, the night was quiet, only the sound of gunfire and shouting, and the air was filled with blood.

But Si absolutely seems to be isolated from all this.

In his memory are the figures of Dongfang Yan.

"Deep, look at the stars in the sky."

"Do you like watching the stars?"

"Like, don't you think it's beautiful? In fact, when my mother and father were still young, they would hug me to see the stars. The mother said that sometimes people go and they will turn into stars in the sky. At that time, my uncle, who was taking care of me, was sick. I was very sad. My mother said that she wanted me to look at the sky, and they looked at it ... "

"is it?"

"Uh huh, deep, when we get old, do you think we will also become stars in the sky? We need to rely on the nearest stars ..."

"Fool, you're still young, thinking about what's coming."

"Just thinking about it ..."


At that time, he would also follow Dongfangyan to watch the stars, and he would accompany her to do whatever she likes.

He knew that the Queen and Wang Fu had never returned after going out once, and Dongfang Yan followed her to live with Queen Kang Zhu.

But she was still so optimistic and cheerful.

He has a depressed temper since he was a child. Only when he is with Dongfang Yan can he feel a sense of being himself.

At that time she was really nice to him, trusted him, and shared everything with him.

At this time, Si Jushen, looking at the stars, echoed Dongfangyan's voice in his head.

So crisp and cheerful, can bring happiness to people.

He thought about it, as if the cold heart could melt.

At this time, Si Jushen had some magic wands, as if returning to the time with Dongfangyan.

His eyes started to cry, and he didn't know whether it was excited or painful.

Has his Yaner become a star?

Si Juan kept crying in her heart, Yaner, Yaner ...

It was he who did not protect her, it was he who lied to Yaner.

Si Jueshen even thought that if he died now, could he become the star beside Yaner?

Will Yaner forgive him?

Suddenly, Si Jushen felt that he had no trace of nostalgia for this world.

For his mother, he was trying to live.

Later, when I met Yaner, he felt happy.

Now his mother is cheating him, Yaner is gone, and he has no feeling for this world.

He wanted Yaner to take him away.

He even wanted to rush out and end his life in a bullet.

Just then, Merkaman's voice came from not far away, "You two come out!"

Si Ci Ya looked at Si Jue Shen, then dragged himself by the leg, and limped out, "Man!"

In any case, Si Chouya is still emotional.

Merkaman wore a black gauze, and looked at Siciya Ya coldly, but there was a hint of shivering, "Siciya, you still have a face to call my name!"

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