Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

The return of the queen, and the news from the palace, the palace also changed, and the salute sounded, and could not be faked.

Because all the messages from the palace have always been fake.

The news was so explosive that many people couldn't react.

Many people standing outside the walls of the palace, listening to the news, still shivered.

They ca n’t return to God.

The news is too shocking and explosive.

Just like the same mine exploded on top of everyone.

Many people don't know if the news is a shock or a surprise.

Aren't the Queen dead for three years? Really come to life?

Or can't the queen of country h die?

At the same time everyone was shocked, they began to look forward to it.

After all, when the queen was before, everyone didn't think she was very important.

But after the queen disappeared, the changes that took place in country h over the past three years, everyone saw it, and everyone realized how important the queen was.

The Queen is the leader and backbone of their country.

With the queen in, country h will not be torn apart, there will be no war.

Therefore, after the queen is gone, many people are missing her.

Now I suddenly heard that the Queen was coming back. Although everyone was shocked and shocked, they were all excited.

"Is it true? Really? The Queen isn't dead?"

"Hurry me up, did I hear you right? Didn't you hear it?"

"It hurts, it hurts, I heard you right, the Queen will really come back."

"But the queen really died. The former corpse icehouse also walked down the street. Everyone saw off and cremated. How did you return now? What did you look like?"

"I don't know, but what to do, I look forward to seeing the queen tomorrow."


Some people are really excited and have tears in their eyes.

Many people looked up at the direction of the palace, trying to see the queen, but in addition to the busy palace people, there were patrol guards, and there was really no one else.

The news of the return of the queen quickly spread through country h at a rapid speed.

Major news media rushed to report the news.

Many people who stayed at home almost saw the news at home, and almost stunned.

Many people stay in the same position as they watch TV.

Some people are still eating, their mouths are wide, and things fall out of their mouths.

Some people hold a knife in their hands to cut things, but when they don't respond, the knife has cut their fingers.

Some were still walking. After hearing the news, they almost hit the power pole in front.

Even those who are still at work, leaders take the lead in not working, watching the news, and constantly browsing the web.

As soon as they entered the office building, everyone's computers refreshed the news of the return of the queen.

Page CTR has skyrocketed.

Some of them almost crash because they are not supported in the background.

Especially the Royal Palace homepage, if you can't click in, it shows that the system is too busy.

For a while, everyone stopped working, and began to discuss, "Is the queen really back?"

"That is to say, our country no longer needs to fight?"

"I tell you, I haven't been to the south to see my parents for a long time. The conflict between the North and the South is terrible. If our Queen returns, the country will be unified and peaceful, and I can see my parents.

"I'm taking leave today, I'm going to work, I'm going out to eat something delicious, to celebrate, to celebrate, to celebrate the Queen's return."

"No, let's buy a ticket quickly, buy a ticket and go to Yuncheng, we look at the scene!"

"Yes, yes, hurry ..."

"Colleagues, after the leadership decision, we will have a day off tomorrow, so we don't need to take time off ..."

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