Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Taishiye knows, why Nan Rong Huaian was unwilling to have a relationship with the palace, let alone with the queen.

Now that the Queen has returned, he still has such an indifferent tone.

Doesn't he know that people are excited all over the country?

Everyone did not realize the importance of the queen before. The changes that have taken place in the past three years have shown everyone how important the queen is.

Even if the queen is a vase, it is also the most noble vase, and it is also a vase that is well received by everyone.

With such a queen in place, the country will not be torn apart.

After all, the queen, but it is the belief of the people throughout the country, is the leader.

Taishiye said helplessly: "I knew you were thinking about Feng Sufei, but the Taishi family also sent people, and the news network also began to search. There was no news. I have to say that Feng Sufei is really too capable.

Nan Rong Huaian listened to Tai Shiye's words, his heart trembled, and the pain began to cough.

"You ... Are you okay? Are you going to the Royal Palace Ballroom or not? I have also received the Royal Palace invitation."

Nan Rong Huai'an thought about Feng Sufei, his face was cold and indifferent, "I won't go."

Tai Shiye pouted, "It's too shameless, and I don't know if the people in those families can go."

Nan Rong Huaian didn't know what the Queen's return meant, how could he never think that this person was Feng Sufei.

So at this time he didn't think about involving the palace.

He never thought about going to the palace.

Even if people all over the country wanted to go to the palace, he didn't think that way.

All he wanted was to find Feng Sufei and ask her for forgiveness.

Treat her well.

The longer he got, the more he realized how deep his love was.

Taishiye rushed a lot and Nanrong Huaian didn't listen to it.

Maybe Nanrong Huaian can only hear things related to Feng Sufei.


the other side

Sakura Road is out of the night and no news of Feng Sufei can be found.

He realized that Feng Sufei had disappeared in the same way as before, and realized that this woman was so powerful that they could not think of it.

Perhaps, Feng Sufei was not originally from country h, and now she has left country h.

Yingdao Liye actually felt a sense of loss.

Even now, he can't find Feng Sufei.

Even now he wants to pursue Feng Sufei, but thinking that Feng Sufei was hurt by Nan Rong Huai'an before, I don't know if I can still believe his feelings.

Sakurado was anxious from the night.

But at this time heard the news about the return of the queen, Sakura Dori stared at night.

Is the Queen really coming back?

The news from the palace cannot be faked.

And tomorrow is the ceremony for the return of the queen, and he is also invited to the palace banquet.

Sakura Road is naturally going to night.

Because Feng Sufei has a close relationship with the Queen, maybe the Queen will tell him where Feng Sufei went.

Yingdao Liye is sane, so he can figure this out.

Sakurado quickly cleared up to go to the ceremony tomorrow.


Guihai Qianyi also took his sister to the Palace Ballroom.

The Qin family Qin Shao Qin Liuxuan naturally decided to go.

The heirs of the major families also represent the family and are ready to show loyalty.

The new era of country h is the era of young people, and although the major families have the most important interests, they also understand that there is a country and a home.

Only when the country is peaceful and stable can they benefit the development of their family industry.

Therefore, if they can be invited to be listed by the queen, they naturally have to rush to participate. This important ceremony is equivalent to the founding ceremony.

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