Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

These high-tech weapons have never appeared before, and many people who follow military news don't even know.

When did these come out?

And how does it show that it is made in country h and produced in country h?

In fact, everyone does not know. When Feng Sufei was Dongfangyan more than three years ago, she set up a secret military base for scientists to develop their own weapons.

It just happened to debut today.

Many people were shocked and opened their eyes wide.

After many people were shocked, a feeling of pride was raised in their hearts, and this was their h country.

The ability to have advanced weapons is because the queen is here, who said that the queen's bale, stand up! Guarantee not to kill him!

After the military strength was revealed, the top royal etiquette of the national royal family began to speak, "Comrades, today is the day when our queen officially returns ... everyone may know that we have a royal family system and the queen's soul is immortal ... after today, The Queen will be with you ... "

Let's start applauding and cheering excitedly.

Many of the family's heirs representing the banquet hall of the Royal Palace looked at the large screen in the Royal Palace with different thoughts.

"What kind of honor is this queen?"

"But don't be stingy."

"The queen of country h will never be a puppet, and no one dares to make her a puppet. This is determined from the oldest royal system."

"Is Dongfangyan resurrected?"

"Now she definitely doesn't exist as Dongfangyan, there is a secret rumor in the royal family of h, so only the soul is there, and the appearance should change, or in fact, in the earliest time, there was a body in this world that the Queen returned . "

"Master Yingdao, you said, why did we hear the creeps."

"You may not know some secrets of the palace, maybe your fathers will know."

After paying attention to Feng Sufei, Yingdao returned home from night to check a lot of information, and asked his father for a lot of information before he learned.

"Can't anyone pretend to be a queen?"

"Only the queen can activate all the palace's systems, only the queen can obey the Shadow Guard, and only the real queen can get the soul lamp and start the nine-turn exquisite array! I'll know later."

Talking, all the heirs were excited, faintly starting to look forward, wondering what the current queen looks like.

But even if they were in a hurry, they had to wait for the queen to show up.

While everyone was waiting, Feng Sufei began to speak, "Hello everyone, I can stand here today and see you, my heart is excited ... For more than three years, when my soul is truly integrated, I really remember all At all times, I hate it, because when I was Dongfangyan, I was really killed ...

But that's all over. As a queen, there must be love in my heart and responsibility ...

When I saw our country fragmented, when I saw war, and when I saw that many people could not be reunited, my heart hurt ...

I have been waiting for this day, waiting for the return, to unify the country h and lead our country to the path of prosperity and prosperity. We want peace and development ... "

Feng Sufei said a lot of things, everyone was touched, sour, but also excited.

There is a queen, their country will not be divided anymore, they believe in the queen.

After Feng Sufei finished speaking, feeling everyone's applause and excited eyes, she won the crown and said, "Finally, I reappeared as Feng Sufei."

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