Young Master Jun’s 100 Techniques to Spoil His Wife

Chapter 1497: Can't climb the queen

Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

For the first time, Gui Hai Qianyi showed a dull look, looking at the big screen, motionless.

Gui Hai Qianqin's mouth also opened into a European shape. Is she really Su Fei's sister?

After a long while, Gui Haiqin rubbed his eyes and determined that she was not mistaken.

She was very excited, but she found that the surrounding Sakurado brother and her brother looked a little strange.

So she also tried to calm her emotions. She touched her brother's arm with her hand. "Brother, that is Sophie Sophie."

Gui Hai Qianyi stared at the big screen as if he couldn't hear his sister.

Gui Haiqin was the first time he saw his brother.

She remembered that a few years ago, when Queen Kang Zhu invited the then queen Dongfangyan to choose her husband, he had invited his brother to the banquet, as if her brother had refused.

Gui Haiqin sighed, and now it seems that Feng Sufei cannot become her sister-in-law.

Gui Haiqin felt indescribable that she really liked sister Su Fei.

But they are the queen of the highest, so capable, and now I do not know who can climb the queen.

Gui Hai Qianyi changed to God on the reminder of her sister.

He lowered his voice and asked Hai Qianqin, "Qianqin, if it was you, a man who refused you before, now wants to be close to you, you ..."

Before Hai Haiqianyi finished speaking, Guihaiqianqin's face changed. "Brother, such a person, just aside for a while, you said, I am the princess of the Guihai family and can't be wronged."

Gui Haiqin didn't understand the deep meaning of her brother's words, she just spoke with pride instinctively.

But this sentence suddenly covered Gui Haiqianyi's heart like ice and snow, freezing him all.

Gui Hai Qianyi's face twisted and remained silent. No one knew what he was thinking now.

In fact, just after that sentence, Qin Liuxuan next heard it, and her face became stiffer.

They all remembered that when they did not give face, they rejected the queen.

Nowadays, they all remember Feng Sufei's grandeur.

Such women have even been rejected by them, and they have the heart to die.


Not only were they shocked, many women who used to be jealous of Feng Sufei behind their backs and embarrassed Feng Sufei were also embarrassed.

In particular, some women and ladies in front of the TV set had previously attended a family banquet of the Nan Rong family. This was Feng Sufei's first appearance after being in good health.

They also deliberately loudly said that she had been abandoned by Nan Rong Huai An, and that she was a person without background and identity.

Now they all want to find a hole to drill up. But when they think of a queen, Nanrong Huai'an can't climb up to the queen, and no one can climb up to others.

They were really stupid. They should have pleased the queen as soon as possible. Now they can't please queen, because they are no longer eligible to see the queen in the palace.

However, this time, they have also learned their lessons. In the future, they can't talk casually. Who knows if they have a higher background.

Nan Rong Family

Although Nan Rong Huai'an did not go to the palace banquet hall, the return ceremony of the queen was related to the situation in country h. He should pay attention to it.

So Nan Rong Huai An also watched the live broadcast in the Nan Rong family.

Of course, many people in the Nan Rong family are watching.

Nan Rong's father, Nan Rong Huaian's father, was also watching.

So when they saw that the queen was Feng Sufei, everyone was almost shocked.

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