Young Master Jun’s 100 Techniques to Spoil His Wife

Chapter 1499: There are also seven emotions and six desires

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Nan Rong Huaian knelt down on the ground in pain. He couldn't bear the news.

The shards of glass were mixed with the blood of Nan Rong Huai An, and they were stained with magic arcs on the ground.

Because Nan Rong Huai'an had not been very good before, he let his servants go out in this house.

At this moment, the servants waiting outside, as well as the guards of the Nan Rong family, heard the painful shout, and their hearts followed with pain.

This cold and painful feeling made them all stunned.

The young masters of their Nanrong family have always been expensive and elegant, as if they are not dyed with red fireworks.

He is always elegant and has a feeling of planning a thousand miles away.

He is like the God in everyone's heart.

But on this day, everyone realized that the young master is not a god, he is actually an ordinary person, and he also hurts. He also has love and passion.

Everyone looked at the live broadcast and knew that the young master must be because of young grandma.

No, it should be changed now, Queen!

The Queen's name is not something anyone can say now.

And calling the queen the youngest grandmother in their family is also a great disrespect, which is a damage to the queen's reputation.

They cannot afford this responsibility.

Now that the Queen is high above her, I do not know how the young master can resolve this emotion.

Everyone sighed in their hearts, but could not help the young master.

Because that is the most honorable queen, it is difficult to meet each other.

They were very worried about the young master and wanted to go in and see, but the young master had a previous order and no one could disturb him.

The owner of Nan Rong heard his son's shout not far away, and his heart trembled.

He's such a son, but don't go wrong.

He hurried in and saw what Nan Rong Huai An had fallen in a pool of blood, and passed out.

The master of Nan Rong was frightened, "Hurry up, come, save people, save people ..."

The entire Nan Rong family immediately ran into trouble.



On the wall of the palace, when Feng Sufei let everyone see her face, she also reported her life now, so that everyone could clearly see it and remember it.

She knew that there must be some doubts.

So Feng Sufei picked up a royal flute, put it on her lips, and started to blow.

An exquisite tune passed from the flute and amplified through the sound.

Such a melodious and gentle piece of music makes everyone's heart feel as pure as it is washed away.

Immediately after, everyone saw that the sky began to flock with birds, all kinds of colorful birds, so beautiful and beautiful.

Everyone has the feeling of being in a fairy tale world.

The bird screamed, with the exquisite tunes, it was really an auditory treat.

Many unnamed colorful birds landed on the wall, and some hovered above Feng Sufei's head.

Immediately after, countless birds formed echelons, changing shapes, so beautiful.

"Look, the birds are holding a lamp."

"Ah, I see. That's the legendary queen's soul lamp, which can only appear in the underground palace. It is the soul lamp."

"What is this to do?"

"The Queen has to prove her own identity, because no matter how many people love her and trust her, she may doubt her identity in the future."

"How do you prove that?"

"Nine turns of exquisite formation, but that can't fool people."


At this moment, the soul lamp fell from high altitude, Feng Sufei leaped forward and caught it, and many birds held her at high altitude at once.

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