Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Sitting in the car, Nan Rong Huai'an's heart could not be calm, and his heart rate was fast.

Maybe he still had a little nervousness.

This is also the first time that Nan Rong Huaian has such a feeling.

Because there is anxiety and nervousness in meeting loved ones, but I also look forward to it.

This is a feeling of love, Nan Rong Huai'an actually did not realize.

Only when he was against Feng Sufei would he have such strong emotional fluctuations.

Nan Rong Huaian looked at the scenery outside the window, breathing tightly.

When Nan Rong Huai An was thinking of the two words Su Fei in his heart, he felt a kind of pain and a feeling of missing the bones.

No one knows how deep his feelings for Su Fei can not be expressed, but he knows it best.

Seeing news reports about the explosion last night, although he knows that Sufi is safe now, he still has too much uneasiness and uncertainty.

So worried.

Concern is messy.

His heart was chaotic. Perhaps only when he saw Feng Sufei, only by seeing her good looks, could his heart be solid.

But Nan Rong Huai An also knew that he missed Su Fei too much and wanted to miss it.

It seemed as if he hadn't seen Su Fei for a long time, as if he hadn't hugged her for a long time and felt her breath.

Thinking that the two of them were loving and sweet together, Nan Rong Huaian's eyes became red.

Today, the two are clearly visible, but he feels far apart.

He knows that he blame him all this time, blame himself.

Along the way, Nan Rong Huai An missed Feng Sufei in his blame.

Before he looked at the scenery on the streets of Tancheng, he didn't feel anything.

But now he looks at the same scenery, but has a kind of intimacy.

Maybe because this is the place where Feng Sufei lives, he also loves Wu and Wu, and has a favorite in his heart.

If I had known ...

Nan Rong Huai an angrily thought of here.

If it had been known earlier, he and Suffi shouldn't have to delay so long at all. They should have been together very early, and Suffi didn't have to experience the pain.

He didn't know if Sophie could forgive him.

He thought arrogantly that he could find Su Fei and explain to her.

But after leaving Hongyi Lane that day, he couldn't find any news about her, let alone talk to Su Fei.

Soon, Nanrong Huaian's car arrived outside the palace.

Perhaps because of yesterday's explosion, there are few people on the streets today. There are not many people outside the palace except for the patrol guards.

Nan Rong Huai'an stood outside the palace and looked at it, and the ritual of Feng Sufei's return yesterday flashed in his mind.

She was standing above the wall.

She is so beautiful and noble.

Once she was his wife, they could love each other, but now she is a queen, and it is so difficult for him to see her.

Nan Rong Huai'an looked and felt a pain in her heart.

His eyes were a little sour.

She is the queen, and he never knew it.

He remembered that Feng Sufei had said before that they had their own secrets, but in fact they still lacked trust.

In fact, she can tell him that he will support as long as she wants to do it.

When thinking of this sentence, Nan Rong Huai'an was also a bit bitter in heart. In fact, when he rescued Zi Wanxun, he had made Su Fei no longer believe him?

He also finally understood why Feng Sufei asked him how she felt and judged the Queen many times when she was together at the beginning.

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