Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

When saying this, Nan Rong Huaian's voice was so low and so soft.

Very light and light, as if afraid of disturbing a dream.

Nan Rong Huaian's body became stiff.

He was called Sufi by conditioning.

He still regards Su Fei as his lover, or the young grandmother of the Nan Rong family, not because of her identity change, her name has changed.

In Nan Rong Huai An's heart, Feng Sufei is still the one in his heart.

Nan Rong Huaian kept his eyes fixed on the front, for fear it was a dream.

Nan Rong Huai'an's eyes are all intoxicating.

He walked around the table and walked towards Sufi step by step.

Although Nan Rong Huai'an was anxious, he walked very slowly and lightly, for fear of shocking the people in front of him.

Maybe, this time, Nan Rong Huai'an couldn't believe it, but he thought it might be an illusion.

Because he cares too much, because he loves too much, so even if he is Nan Rong Huai An, he will be careful and have a feeling of fear.

Feng Sufei looked at Nan Rong Huai An towards her at this moment, and her heartbeat could not help speeding up.

She obviously thought she was calm, and she thought she was calm, but when Nan Rong Huaian came over and approached, she knew what her self-control and what she thought were all false.

Feng Sufei knew that she had deep feelings for Nan Rong Huaian.

What peace is what she thinks.

After really seeing it, the sea of ​​hearts was full of turbulent waves. She had an impulse to flee, but she had no power to keep her footsteps, and her sight could not be separated from Nanrong Huaian.

He approached, she could see clearly, Nan Rong Huai An lost weight, and it made her distressed.

Suddenly her eyes became red and sour.

This man used to be so powerful, so elegant and noble, how could he ever have such a careful look.

His eyes were red, and there seemed to be a broken and painful light inside.

His eyes were deep, with deep thoughts and feelings.

Feng Sufei is very focused, so she sees the feelings in Nan Rong Huaian very clearly.

Her eyes were torn apart, there was an impulse to cry, I don't know why, I felt bad for this man.

Obviously he broke her heart, obviously she was sad, but she was sad.

But how he turned around, he became so thin that she couldn't bear to look at it.

What should she do?

Feng Sufei's fingers clasped the door frame next to her, trying to suppress the emotions in her heart, and she should not let herself cry.

However, she didn't know that the way she was holding back made Nan Rong Huai an anguish.

Feng Sufei also lost weight. She lost a lot of weight.

Although Feng Sufei had just come out of the underground palace and cleaned up, she was indeed thin, and the pupa in her expression had not faded away, especially because it would still bear her emotions.

Make Nan Rong Huaian feel like she is a fragile doll, and it is broken just by the wind.

Nan Rong Huai'an also couldn't see Su Feng like this, and his heart would suffocate and hurt.

Nan Rong Huai An came to Feng Sufei and stood still. He looked deeply, knowing that he was not seeing hallucinations.

But even so, he asked again, "Sophie, are you?"

A light sentence contains too many emotions and emotions in Nan Rong Huaian.

His hands on the sides were clenched into fists. He was controlling. He was afraid he couldn't help but wanted to hold Feng Sufei.

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