Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sufei listened to what Nan Rong Huai'an persuaded, and did not know whether she was angry or not.

Her teeth bit her lower lip, controlling her emotions and calming herself down.

She found that every time she faced Nan Rong Huai'an, her emotions tended to become intense and she was always prone to impulses.

She didn't, but she couldn't control Facing Nanrong Huaian.

Nan Rong Huaian is also restraining himself.

His feeling for Feng Sufei is actually like the waves of a galloping sea. He is afraid that a poor control will be like flooding the floodgates, which will flood Sufei and hurt Sufei.

So he tried to be gentle with Su Fei.

Because he could feel the dark emotions in his heart breeding, shouting to trap Feng Sufei next to him.

No matter what method is used, she must be trapped so that she can only stay by her side and cannot go anywhere.

Aware of this feeling, Nan Rong Huai An was afraid of it. He was really afraid that he could not control well. What should he do if he hurt Su Fei?

She is the one he loves. How could she be willing to bring her the slightest harm?

Feng Sufei was hurt because of Zi Wanxun's previous incident. He really had to.

At that time, he almost couldn't find Su Fei. Now, he finally saw Su Fei. He couldn't really hurt her because of other things.

Therefore, Nanrong Huaian is restraining and forbearing.

However, because two people are controlling emotions and not saying anything in their hearts, there is a deep contradiction.

There will be misunderstandings.

Feng Sufei put her head aside, as if she was deliberately angry, took a cup of tea, and gave herself a few sips.

Feng Sufei was choking because she was drinking too fast.

Nan Rong Huaian quickly took the tea cup aside, hugged Feng Sufei, and patted her on the back.

Distressed: "Don't drink so fast."

Nan Rong Huaian's treatment of Feng Sufei is still the same, as before, pampering and caring.

His attitude was as if the two people had not contradicted each other before, and there was no separation at all.

Feng Sufei wants to push South Ronghuai'an, "You go away, I'm done drinking, if you don't want to say anything, I'm gone."

In a sentence like Feng Sufei, if you leave like this, the darkness in Nan Rong Huai An's heart will breed and spread instantly.

The temperature in the room seemed to drop all of a sudden.

For a moment, Feng Sufei felt a chill.

She felt that for a moment, the breath of Nan Rong Huai'an had changed.

Before she thought about it, she felt that the whole person was being pulled into the arms of Nan Rong Huai'an.

Nan Rong Huai'an's eyes seemed to be rolled with storms and rain, with the darkest vortex, to swallow Feng Sufei.

Feng Sufei faced such a look, and there was a feeling of tremor in her heart.

Before Feng Sufei said anything, Nan Rong Huaian's kiss came down.

He kissed Feng Sufei very hard, devouring Feng Sufei's breath.

His arm was so hard that Feng Sufei was imprisoned so that she could not escape his arms.

Nan Ronghuai's body opened up. Feng Sufei only felt that she wanted to breathe just as if she fell into the ocean floor.

She was surrounded by the breath of Nan Rong Huaian.

She wanted to talk. Nan Rong Huai An didn't let her say that she was almost choking and fainted. Nan Rong Huai An would kiss her to give her a breath, and then swallow her breath.

Feng Sufei's whole body is the same as that of electricity.


At this time, the eyes of Nan Rong Huai'an were also with the light of dementing spirit.

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