Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sufei couldn't wait to get out of bed and came to the big vase. She couldn't help but want to count the total number of roses.

At this moment, Feng Sufei's heart became pure as if she had changed back to the girlhood.

She couldn't help but count how many flowers she started.

The maid next to her wanted to tell her queen that she was pulled by another maid and whispered: "This is the joy in love. You don't understand. Don't disturb the queen and affect her good mood."

Feng Sufei started counting one by one, counting, and all wanted to laugh out loud.

In fact, what she wants is the feeling of being cared for and cared for by Nan Rong Huaian as a little girl.

She had a sweet feeling in her heart.

Feng Sufei counted it several times and she didn't feel tired, as if she was in it.

In fact, not to count how many, but because she wanted to feel that love.

In fact, there was a card, and Feng Sufei knew that it was ninety-nine at a glance.

Feng Sufei took out the card, and it still had the words of Nan Rong Huai'an. It said, "Su Fei, I love you."

Looking at these words, Feng Sufei's eyes became sore and hot.

To be honest, Feng Sufei watched, her heart was very touched and throbbed.

Although it is a few simple words, the word love can make people feel different at any time.

Feng Sufei looked at the card, and looked at it again and again.

With these words in mind, flowers can be blossomed with joy.

At this moment, she seemed to hear the sound of the wind, the sound of the wind chimes, a crisp tone, as if ringing in her heart, making people's mood better.

Feng Sufei looked up, who was hanging a bunch of wind chimes in front of the window sill, and when the wind blew, it would cause the bell to ring.

It's her favorite voice.

Feng Sufei's eyes lit up, the brightness of the bright light flashing.

She really had a pleasant surprise.

Before waiting for Feng Sufei to ask, the maid of the side said: "Her Majesty, this is a wind chime made by Master Nan Rong, let us hang here and say that you will like it."

Feng Sufei's eyes flashed a moving light.

In my sleep, the very crisp tone came from this.

She all fell asleep.

I did not expect that Nan Rong Huaian was really careful.

He said to start again, it turned out that he really started to give.

Do it yourself?

Feng Sufei reached out and touched the wind chimes, her movements were very light and light. She cherished what Nan Rong Huaian sent.

And he did it himself.

Feng Sufei couldn't imagine how Nanrong Huaian folded these up and strung them, and hung a bell below?

She won't do it!

In fact, she always wanted a wind chime. She didn't tell Nan Rong Huai An and didn't know how he thought about it.

In fact, when one person really wants to be good to another person, his heart will naturally become thinner, gentler, and he will think what you think, think what you think.

Feng Sufei this time, but she truly felt that being cared by Nan Rong Huai An could truly feel that love.

Unlike before, she always couldn't guess Nan Rong Huaian's heart.

This time, Feng Sufei had confidence in her love with Nanrong Huaian.

While Feng Sufei was still in a daze, the palace maid reminded: "Her Majesty, Master Nan Rong heard that you are awake and have prepared your meals, waiting for you to eat."

Feng Sufei froze and blinked, "It's only so much work, he's ready for breakfast? No, you told him?"

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