Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Jun Mohan wanted to let Feng Sujin sleep more. She has been too tired recently.

Seeing her tired, he could only distress.

I wanted her to rest, but she didn't.

He knew that he had great love in his heart and wanted to help more people.

He also knew that his A Jin wanted to master all the rights more quickly, so that he could bring the army into the capital and avenge him.

Feng Sujin's thoughts, her tenderness and kindness, he knew.

Because of understanding, I feel more distressed and more helpless.

Jun Mohan sighed softly, just carrying her like this, waiting quietly.

Feng Sujin actually fell asleep, but also a state of light sleep.

She could feel it stupidly, as if not moving.

Then she slowly opened her eyes and rubbed them.

All of Jun Mohan's perception was in Feng Sujin, so when Feng Sujin moved, Jun Mohan knew she was awake.

"Woke up?"

Feng Sujin rubbed her eyes, "Hmm."

When she looked around, she moved. "It's all over the mountain, why don't you call me."

Jun Mohan smiled softly, "just arrived."

"Surely not, you didn't wake me up."

Jun Mohan but smiled.

They love each other too much and know each other too, so Feng Sujin knows his thoughts, and he doesn't need to explain much.

Feng Sujin is going to get down from Jun Mohan's back, and Jun Mohan squats gently, "Slow down, don't fall."

After Feng Sujin came down, she jumped a little. She felt that every time, she was obviously strong. Jun Mohan was so worried about her that she was like a child.

After Feng Sujin recovered her spirit, she looked up at the sky, only to feel the faint colored light flashing.

This light made her heart tremble.

There seemed to be flashes of light in her mind.

She could subconsciously feel that this was the light associated with her sister.

There seemed to be a few beams of this light on Feng Sujin's body, and the seal on Feng Sujin's forehead followed.

Jun Mohan looked at him, his expression condensed, his face followed with some seriousness.

Feng Sujin looked, and the light flashed in his head.

She murmured: "Nine turns to the exquisite array, rebirth!"

Feng Sujin said, faintly can feel anything, the look is shocked.

Jun Mohan listened to Feng Sujin's muttering to himself, thoughtfully.

"The royal system of the country of h, in the legend, the exquisite array of nine revolutions has appeared, and the queen's soul has returned."

Feng Sujin listened to Jun Mohan's words, her heart was shocked, "Say, Su Fei, she is the queen of country h?"

When Feng Sujin said this sentence, she felt incredible and unbelievable, but she didn't mean she couldn't believe it.

Because this world seems to be a modern society, but there are mysterious things, there are all kinds of wonders, so it is possible.

Moreover, Feng Sufei has been unconscious since she was a child. Her mother said before that Sufei would be better in the future.

The mother also said that Su Fei was just an incomplete soul, and one day the soul would be complete.

Feng Sujin remembered, remembering what her mother said, as if her mother knew everything.

The mother said that she and Suffi are good sisters at any time.

At that time, I didn't understand the deep meaning in the mother's words. At this time, I really understood.

It turned out that Su Fei was really the queen of country H. She had complicated feelings in her heart. She didn't digest for a while, but she was happy for Su Fei.

No wonder Su Fei was going to country h at that time.

She didn't tell her the specific reason, but she was also afraid of her sister's worry!

No matter what status Su Fei is, she is her sister, good sister.

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