Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Hearing Feng Sujin's words, Jun Mohan reluctantly let go of her.

Although Feng Sujin's lips were released, Jun Mohan still hugged Feng Sujin and lowered her head in her ear and whispered: "Ajin, you seduced me."

Jun Mohan's breath blew into her ear, making Feng Sujin's head dizzy, her heart trembling fiercely, just like electricity.

Feng Sujin's face was a little hot, and it was indeed she who took the initiative to kiss Jun Mohan.

"You ... all say you are insatiable, indifferent, and very self-controlling ..."

Jun Mohan's eyes darkened, and he lowered his forehead to Feng Sujin's forehead, "Ajin, how do I know, do you know best? Is there no self-control in you ..."

Feng Sujin felt that she had no conviction for Jun Mohan's breath, such a charming breath, such a seductive look, she felt that she was going to faint, and her brain was blank.

Feng Sujin fainted and explained, "I want to express that I love you."

This sentence makes Jun Mohan's eyes darker, gloomier, with a charm and confusion, "A Jin ..."

In a word, Feng Sujin could hear what Jun Mohan's voice carried.

An emotional wave will sweep her.

Feng Sujin hurriedly pushed Jun Mohan, "We ... we're going out."

Jun Mohan looked at Feng Sujin's reaction, and the glamorous eyes flashed the light of Xun Qingcheng.

The corners of his mouth were all with a petting smile, so he looked at Feng Sujin with a watery eye.

Feng Sujin felt that she was enveloped in his breath by Jun Mohan.

Such eyes made her involuntarily indulge in it.

Obviously the two have been together for so long, and they have been together for so long, but often she faces Jun Mohan, as if she is still in love, just like the throbbing feeling when she first fell in love.

Her family gentleman has this charm, deceiving people, but she can't control it.

Feng Sujin's heart was still beating fiercely, so fast, so fast.

She realized that she could not do without her husband.

Fortunately, he loves her too.

When Feng Sujin realized her heart towards Jun Mohan, she felt the light of cherry blossoms in her eyes, and she felt fragile in her heart.

She stretched out her hands and hugged Jun Mohan's neck, and buried her head at his neck. "Mo Han ..."

Any change in Feng Sujin's body can be felt by Jun Mohan.

At this time, Jun Mohan was aware of the change in Feng Sujin's mood, and seemed to be a bit fragile.

Jun Mohan gently rubbed down Su Jinjin's hair, and stretched out her hand gently to her hair, let her run along, "I'm here, what happened, suddenly?"

Jun Mohan's voice is so gentle and so light, so low, as if it can heal the fragility of the human heart.

Feng Sujin hugged Jun Mohan's neck very hard and said dumbly, "Don't leave me."

Feng Sujin didn't know why she said such a sentence, she just wanted to say that at this moment she had the idea in her heart.

She cannot leave Jun Mohan, nor can she be without him.

Hearing this sentence, Jun Mohan's heart shook, and his heart spread a strong feeling of distress.

Is it because he didn't give A Jin a sense of security that made her so worried?

Jun Mohan tightened his arms and whispered, "A Jin, I don't leave you, how can I be willing to leave you."

Yeah, how can she be willing? She is the most important person in his heart, heavier than his life.

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