Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Yue looked intently at Ran Qiulan's red eyes, and his eyes went red.

Yue's heartless throat choked.

Ran Qiulan gently tugging on Yue's unintentional sleeves and coquettishly said, "OK?"

In the face of Ran Qiulan's tender tone, Yue Wuxin's heart would be soft and unbelievable, how could he be reluctant to say badly?

He moved his throat and nodded. "Okay."

After discussing the two, they packed up, took a few pharmacologically proficient subordinates, and then went to the dream country to find Jun Mohan.



Guoyong Junliu did not appear for a long time, no one knows where he went.

He handed over the affairs of the country to several of his henchmen, and several hegemons made decisions.

Even the queen did not know where Hou Lijin had gone.

As a queen, she hasn't seen Hou Lijin for a long time.

Although she was in a hurry, she had explained before the departure, she couldn't panic, she had to stabilize.

In fact, the empire, especially the imperial capital, can't find the atmosphere it once was.

Today, the atmosphere of the imperial capital is mostly depressed.

The people themselves are in danger, and they feel that law enforcement officials and powers are becoming more and more severe, and they are part of the harshness of ancient times.

Many people are thinking of the former Guoying Jun, and even now, they still think that Jun Mohan and Feng Sujin are alive.

Everyone looks forward to two people alive.

After all, when letting Chuan Guoyu Xi emit the light of dragon and phoenix, it was the light of auspiciousness.

So the people always hope that two people can come back alive.

How better than the governance of Guo Yongjun.

Everyone actually doesn't understand now, what is the reason why Guo Yongjun is guarding this country?

Of course, the real secret of Guo Yongjun is unknown to anyone, not even the queen.

Today, the two major families of the imperial capital, a family monarch no longer exists, and has become an empty shell.

I heard that Guo Yongjun also sent someone to check the property and military power of the monarch's family, especially the soldiers' amulets, but nothing.

It seems that the people of the Jun family made preparations from the beginning, transferred all their properties, and took away the soldiers.

Trail news said that Guo Yongjun was furious.

Of course, no one knows more about the specific news.

The Nalan family is now heard to have disappeared, but the family is still there.

Only Miss Naland left.

Nalan Xianger has left the empire since Feng Sujin jumped off the moat that day, and she went all the way to Feng Sujin and pursued her steps.

At that moment, she realized that she used to think that her home was not like home, and what the Nalan family had to do was beyond her comprehension.

Including her aunt and aunt, their thoughts are completely different from hers.

She still likes Feng Sujin who has positive energy on her body, so that she feels that it should be what life should be, with positive energy, so that people can see the light.

Nalan Yunqing of the Nalan family actually left the Nalan family.

After the light of the blue phoenix disappeared, and the blue phoenix was thought to be falling behind all over the country, Nalan Yun was silent for a long time, painful for a long time, and the walking dead was a few days.

He decided to go to the mainland and the ancestral land of the Nalan family. He never believed that the blue phoenix died. He wanted to do something to save the blue phoenix, that is, Feng Sujin.

Otherwise, he could not forgive himself at all.

He didn't know what he could do.

He's sorry Feng Sujin, he really just wants to do something, even if he can do a little.

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