Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin blinked, and in her opinion, nothing happened to Jun Mohan here.

Because it seems like he can solve it.

Feng Junjin had a feeling of peace of mind beside Jun Mohan.

She looked at the hand being held by Jun Mohan, all had a very warm feeling, very reassuring, and almost had nothing to think about.

His subordinates quickly set up a tent next to him, and Jun Mohan let Feng Sujin sit below and prepared for her to eat.

It is grapes, but also Jun Mohan peels one and feeds Feng Sujin to eat one.

Feng Sujin was really embarrassed. After all, there was the city wall, and there were many people patrolling the Blue Country.

Of course, her subordinates seemed to get used to it, so she was not embarrassed.

Feng Sujin said, "I'll eat it myself."

Jun Mohan whispered softly: "Open your mouth."

Although Jun Mohan's voice may seem gentle, it is sometimes stubborn and overbearing.

Feng Sujin naturally also knew something about her family.

As long as he was not inscrutable, she could understand what he thought.

After Feng Sujin pursed her lips, she opened her mouth.

In this way Jun Mohan feeds her, she eats, and the time does not feel slow, but the same as vacation travel.

Feng Sujin looked at the different scenery around her, enjoying the gentleness of her gentleman, waiting for the door of Lan Guo to open.


Inside the blue king's court

Lan Beichen was looking at the secret letters on the table.

Because the blue country is truly closed to the outside world, but the same blue country is the main traffic channel, so there are many secret letters from the outside.

Sometimes after Lan Beichen handles domestic affairs, he will also look at these secret letters from the outside.

In this way, we can also better understand the situation in the entire mainland of China.

He could feel that, in fact, the situation in the entire Chinese mainland was really tense and tense, and perhaps the war really started immediately. He blocked the Blue State in fact to protect the country from outside interference.

He even strengthened the defense of the outer wall several times.

Even if there is war, as long as the blue country is blocked, it will never be disturbed. The people of the blue country can still live a peaceful life.

Or maybe it was the same as his isolation from the world, because he still couldn't forget the memories of the past in Beiquan City.

The name Feng Sujin was engraved in his mind after he suddenly understood it.

Even now, he still can't forget because he knows that he can't help Feng Sujin.

At that time, he obviously had such a beautiful woman, but he did not cherish it.

He hurt her.

Maybe Feng Sujin didn't mind, didn't care, and forgot, she said forgive him.

But until now, he could not forgive himself.

Every time I think of it, Lan Beichen's heart still hurts.

The woman who was supposed to be his wife does not know where it is now, but is it okay?

Every time I remembered, at that wedding, he flung Feng Sujin for a Liu Shiya without hesitation, and he couldn't breathe in pain.

Lan Beichen looked at these secret letters and once again thought of those things in the Imperial Beiquan City.

He couldn't breathe, he just stood up to the window and breathed air.

Many times, he would stand here and look in the direction of Beiquan City.

Although I know, Feng Sujin may not be in Beiquan City now.

But he has the memory of Feng Sujin, in Beiquan City.

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