Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Narantsebo felt as though she was strangled by a ghost, and she would have a sense of suffocation.

She was afraid.

She shouldn't jacquard Luoluoyan, Hualiluoyan is the last thing that can't be touched at the bottom of her heart.

That is the weakness of the waiting mark.

There can be no mood swings in the leaving mark on weekdays, but as long as Huayan Luoyan is mentioned, he will become completely different from normal people.

Many times, Narantsebo feels that the leaving mark is not really a normal person.

Narantsebo thought she might really die if she stayed on.

She hurried out quietly.

After running out, Nalancebo sat on the ground with his butt, breathing heavily, and sweating all over his body.

Just now she really couldn't breathe, thinking she was going to be killed.

The cold and murderous spirit of Hou Lijin can kill people.

This time, Nalanceb realized that he really couldn't touch the soft underbelly.

She also knew that Jun Mohan and Feng Sujin might appear in the dream country, and they were about to kill them when they were away.

But the waiting mark can kill Jun Mohan, and it won't kill Feng Sujin either!

After so many years as a queen, she can still get some news about her leaving.

Only this time, she dared not step in.

Whether Feng Sujin is dead or alive is her own business.

Moreover, what seemed to come to mind, Nalancei's eyes flashed crazy and fierce, and she was actually looking forward to seeing a good show.

This scene is more than one.


Hou Lichen couldn't control his demon, and his mind was full of scenes from twenty or thirty years ago.


Hou Lijin covered her head like crazy.

He felt like everything was going to explode.

There was a voice in his head shouting, "Kill ... kill ... kill ..."

After some time when the departure marks were normal, they began to mobilize the army's available troops throughout the country, and then mobilized some military forces to move in a certain direction across the mainland.

Then, the waiting mark and secretly mobilized the amount of ghost charm to assist.

Anyway, this time you must kill Jun Mohan and then occupy the dream country.

All the troops in the waiting area are equipped with the latest equipment. They are all the best troops, and their weapons are particularly powerful.

The whole empire was shrouded in the atmosphere of war.

All ordinary people can feel the serious atmosphere.

Maybe people realize that there will be wars, so they can stay home without watching the news and watch the news from time to time.

But the latest news is nothing, and reporters dare not report casually.

There is nothing useful online.

Everyone can only speculate in their hearts.

"Where do you say this is going to fight?"

"Perhaps Guoyongjun can wage such a large-scale war and mobilize so many military forces, perhaps to unify the continent."

"How do I hear the gossip that Jun Shao is still alive. This time, Guo Yongjun is going to kill Jun Shao and Madam Jun Shao."

"Those who have been loyal to Jun Shao have also recently started to move, so I guess Jun Shao and Mrs. Jun Shao must be alive and may be known by Guo Yongjun."


The people guessed, but didn't know what they could do.

When Guo Yongjun mobilized his military power, Jun Mohan and Feng Sujin also received the news for the first time.

Soon, on the main road of traffic, the two armies confronted each other, and a confrontational battle erupted.

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