Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Jun Mohan looked at Feng Sujin, and there was too much perseverance in his heart. When he thought of being separated, he felt so much pain.

He promised Feng Sujin not to leave.

But it seemed like he was going to break his word again.

He said silently in his heart, "Ajin, I'm sorry again this time."

Jun Mohan's gaze was sad. He wanted to give everything to Jin, but his body was his biggest weakness.

How his condition changed and when it would happen, he couldn't judge for himself.

In addition, there is a demon in his heart and a darkness, and he is afraid that one day he will hurt Feng Sujin.

When thinking of this, Jun Mohan's heart is just like the sword cut.

The deeper you love, the more painful your heart becomes.

He couldn't be separated from A Jin at all.

Feng Sujin was immersed in the news and did not notice Jun Mohan's changes at all.

She just stared at the map, her eyes glowing brightly.

After she probably understood all the deployment plans, she grabbed Jun Mohan ’s hand with excitement: "Mo Han, when we break into the imperial capital, after we go back, it is the unified empire and the Huaxia continent. At that time, we can do Life is peaceful and warm, and there will be no war. "

Jun Mohan's throat was astringent, and he nodded, "Um."

He also wanted to do that, A Jin who was always with him, to accompany her well, to love her and pet her, and to make her carefree.

Thinking of such a bright and warm scene, Jun Mohan's heart trembled.

His heart was struggling. He could not help but cough because of the pain. "Cough ..."

"Mo Han, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay. When I hear what you say, I feel very warm in my heart. A Jin, I always want to love you well and give you a carefree environment to make you a happy life."

Feng Sujin listened to Jun Mohan's words and could hear the blame in his voice.

She reached out and hugged Jun Mohan and shook her head. "Mo Han, you have done a good job. As long as you are by my side, I am happy."

Feng Sujin is a very contented person.

For her, this journey is hard, as long as Jun Mohan is present, she is happy.

Because there is love, there is warmth, there is motivation, and it is full of hope.

Because she knew that as long as the national hero was killed, as long as the empire was recaptured, and the talents of Jun Mohan were used, the entire Huaxia continent would be peacefully unified, and everyone could live a peaceful life.

At that time, she could also do what they wanted to do with Jun Mohan, go where they want to go, and never have to travel like this again.

Feng Sujin leaned on Jun Mohan's arms and listened to his heartbeat. Thinking of these things, everyone who was happy laughed.

Feng Sujin seemed to think of something, and gently pulled Jun Mohan's sleeve with his fingers.

Jun Mohan looked down at Feng Sujin tenderly, feeling the movements of her little girl, a flash of light flashing in her charming eyes, and smiling gently, "What's wrong? What do you want to say?"

Feng Sujin's face was reddish and a little embarrassed.

But she pursed her lips and hesitated. "Mo Han, wait for us to return to the capital, shall we have a child?"

From the bottom of her heart, Feng Sujin really wants to have a child with Jun Mohan. Because of love, she thinks she will also love the child who loves Jun Mohan very much.

Moreover, in this way, they are truly a family, and Jun Mohan will have relatives, and his heart will be warmer!

After Feng Sujin finished speaking, she was a little embarrassed inside. She didn't know if Jun Mohan liked it?

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