Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Now that Jun Mohan's physical condition is too complicated, even Yue Yue feels weird.

Because he always felt that Jun Mohan's identity was definitely not comparable to an ordinary person.

I always feel that Jun Mohan hides a lot of secrets and strength.

This person is too powerful.

Yue had no heart to think, fortunately, his attitude was better at the beginning, not too embarrassed, Su Jin, and finally rescued Jun Mohan.

Such a powerful man can only be a friend and must not be an enemy.

Jun Mohan looked at Yue Wuxin's frown, and asked: "I must not talk to A Jin about the condition of my body."

Yuewu has no intention of knowing how much she loves a person, so he can understand Jun Mohan, why he doesn't want to tell Feng Sujin.

He is protecting Feng Sujin in other ways, and loves Feng Sujin.

The man's love made him admire.

Yue Wuxin knows the pain in Jun Mohan's heart.

He also loved people, and now also loves his Laner, how can he not understand this feeling.

Yue sighed heartlessly: "Are you really hiding Feng Sujin?"

"Well, she can't let her know."

"You do, she always knows, what to do at that time? She will be more sad."

Jun Mohan said silently: "I can't let her know for the time being, and I will leave when there is any further problem in my body."

If A Jin knew what she would look like, Jun Mohan could fully imagine.

His soft underbelly is Feng Sujin, and he may not help but stay.

At that time, what he will look like, whether he will hurt Feng Sujin, he can not guarantee for himself.

So he doesn't want to tell Feng Sujin for the time being, let him treat her well and pamper her well.

When the body is out of control, he leaves.

He didn't want Feng Sujin to follow suit during this time.

Yue looked at Jun Mohan heartlessly, all had a feeling of powerlessness, "I didn't expect that it was so difficult between you and Feng Sujin. You love each other so much, but your personal identities are very special, but fortunately your feelings are so Be firm, if others don't stick to it now. "

Jun Mohan thought of this journey, Feng Sujin's persistence and her efforts, his heart softened.

In fact, he said that he loved A Jin a lot, but he knew clearly that A Jin also paid a lot to protect the love between them. She has been working hard to grow and become stronger.

Sometimes he was distressed even watching.

But he had to endure the distress and let Feng Sujin become stronger.

All he thought was that if he wasn't around Feng Sujin at any time, she could protect herself.

Maybe when he didn't care, she could protect herself.

His heart is only clear to him, and many emotions cannot be expressed.

Yuewu had no intention of looking at Jun Mohan's gaze, and she felt a sense of depression in her heart.

He felt that he could not do such a great selfless love as Jun Mohan.

His love couldn't bear it.

But Jun Mohan can do it.

He had to admire.

Just when Jun Mohan and Yue had no intention of talking, Feng Sujin came in with a dish.

She put the meal on the table, then looked at Jun Mohan and Yue Wuxin, "What are you talking about? Look so serious?"

For Feng Sujin, Jun Mohan's face is good, and her mood will follow.

Yue looked at Jun Mohan innocently and hurriedly said, "I'm talking about the casualties in the last battle. I need to prepare more medicine."

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