Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

When talking about nourishing soup, Feng Sujin suddenly remembered her time in Beiquan City.

She remembered that when she first made soup, the two had the first time.

That kind of being cared for, that extreme intense feeling, in retrospect, Feng Sujin also had a feeling of hotness all over her body.

Such awkward scenes, as well as the charming and bewildering look of her family gentleman, she remembered very clearly.

Now she couldn't help thinking, her heart trembled, her heart trembling.

When Feng Sujin said of Tang, his movements stopped.

Jun Mohan naturally saw the strangeness of Feng Sujin, and the rosy color on her face.

Jun Mohan probably also thought of something, thinking of their first time.

Thinking of the past, Jun Mohan's eyebrows also became tender. When looking at Feng Sujin, his eyes were tender and watery.

Feng Sujin looked up slightly, facing Jun Mohan's gentle and intoxicating eyes.

The wave of light in it can melt people's hearts.

There is also a sense of confusion.

Feng Sujin's heart trembled and trembled, all had a dry mouth feeling.

She quickly drank the soup with a spoon and drank her throat.

She had just thought that she had a deep desire for her husband.

But they have been missing for a long time.

And now that the situation is severe, she is embarrassed to mention these to her husband.

He was so tired that she couldn't toss him.

Therefore, Feng Sujin worked hard to press down the enthusiasm in her heart.

Jun Mohan looked at Feng Sujin, thinking that for the first time, the bottom of his eyes was dim and dim, and he could devour everything.

However, his current physical condition is quite special. He is afraid that he will hurt Feng Sujin, so he also suppresses the heat in his body.

How he didn't want to face his beloved woman.

Besides, the two have not been intimate for a long time.

Jun Mohan sighed, he only felt that he owed A Jin.

He owed her too much love, and he didn't know when he would make up for it all.

Jun Mohan also used chopsticks to add food to Feng Sujin. "You should also eat more. After a hard meal, you will also supplement yourself."

"I've gotten fat recently, but you still eat more."

She distressed her husband. He ate well, which was equivalent to her.

In fact, two people love to the extreme, is a very selfless love.

She hoped that Mr. Jiajun would be fine.

For Jun Mohan, naturally, hope Feng Sujin is good.

A meal is also enjoyable, but what Feng Sujin thinks is a disadvantage.

Recently, the two have had too little affection. It seems that there are very few kisses. She actually wants to be closer to her husband.

That day, at night, after Feng Sujin fell asleep, she woke up in the middle of the night.

She hasn't had a good night's sleep. She is afraid of fighting again in the middle of the night because of her mind and war.

When she woke up before, there was Jun Mohan by her side. If she looked at her husband, she would feel relieved, and then went to sleep.

But tonight, she reached out and didn't have her husband.

When she turned on the light, there was no figure of Jun Mohan in the room.

Her heart suddenly jumped, and then quickly got out of bed to find Jun Mohan.

There was no outside, Feng Sujin stumbled to the street, but saw Jun Mohan outside the door.

What she saw was Jun Mohan in a dim atmosphere, her back was a bit erratic, although with a sense of strangeness, Feng Sujin was sure that this was Jun Mohan.

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