Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Jun Mohan's mouth continued to bleed. He seemed to be in pain. He shook his hand and wiped away the bright red with his hand.

But his appearance completely fell into Feng Sujin's eyes, making Feng Sujin's eyes red and bloody.

She is so loving Jun Mohan, so when he hurts, she hurt more than him.

Feng Sujin screamed at the beast in her throat, her whole body trembling with pain.

Her fingers were pinned against the tree fiercely, because her fingers were cracked and her fingers were broken because she was too hard.

Blood dripped down the bark.

She was in pain and was trying to squeeze the sound in her throat.

Feng Sujin was almost bleeding.

Because she never saw Jun Mohan like this, she didn't know what happened to Jun Mohan.

Why is it tonight? Is he physically ill?

Is it a cold festival?

She remembered Ye Xing's earliest words.

Nalan Xianger also said that her brother Jun Mohan had a big problem.

By the way, she remembered that Nalan Xianger said that the blood of the goddess was a medicine.

And his coma later, didn't Yue wake up without him?

Wasn't his health better later?

Feng Sujin kept thinking and thinking, her head hurt.

She didn't understand what was going on.

She wanted to walk over, to hold her husband in her arms, she wanted to help him bear too much, she didn't want to bleed him, didn't want to make him pain.

Mo Han ... Her Mo Han ...

"Ahem ..."

The coughing sound in the woods continued.

Jun Mohan seems to be trying to ease his spirit and mood.

Because of the blood, the corners of his mouth became even more charming and red, as if the blood demon appeared from the night.

Feng Sujin looked at Jun Mohan and felt that his breath was special.

There is a feeling of holiness, and a feeling of demon.

It's almost impossible to see the two flavors together.

For a moment, Feng Sujin seemed to see it, and the light of the full moon in the sky was shining on Jun Mohan.

She felt that Jun Mohan seemed to be absorbing the energy of heaven and earth.

He seemed to be absorbing the energy of heaven and earth to restore his body.

After a long while, Jun Mohan stood up slowly and seemed to recover a lot.

Feng Sujin's heart breathed, her eyes widened.

Maybe it was Jun Mohan who had recovered some strength. He heard the sound faintly, his eyes instantly looked forward, with a swirling force.

Feng Sujin was looking out, looking up at the sight of Shang Junhan.

Those eyes that don't look like Jun Mohan's weekdays, with red in the eyes, are really red light.

After Feng Sujin was discovered, she clearly should go forward and approach Jun Mohan.

But I don't know why, looking at such red eyes, Feng Sujin's whole body seemed to be frozen.

For the first time, she saw the killing light in Jun Mohan's eyes, the cold light facing her.

Feng Sujin's heart pounded, making her reluctant to step back.

She opened her mouth to talk, but suddenly she found that she couldn't make a sound at all.

By the way, Feng Sujin knew what Jun Mohan's eyes looked like, as if she were his enemy.

After Jun Mohan found a woman not far away, the corners of his mouth aroused the arc of magic, and his eyes were sobbing with blood, and he came towards her step by step.

Feng Sujin's heart tremor was so severe that she wanted to step back, and she wanted to stay away from this terrifying breath.

No ... this is not her Mr. Jun at all.

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